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Jun 28th 2022
HONOURED to join @sauga960am @richardsyrett to discuss the politicization of #RCMP under Commissioner Brenda Lucki @CommrRCMPGRC.


USED WITH PERMISSION: the story of a retired RCMP officer is shared who was +
#PS752 #cdnpoli…
contacted by Division HQ during #Elxn43 2019 and brusquely advised, QUOTE:

☞ "Your comments are embarrassing the Prime Minister."

The ⟨RETIRED⟩ RCMP officer had been critical of Prime Minister and policies of Government of Canada government on a social media platform. +
Retired RCMP are not subject to provisions of Royal Canadian Mounted Police Regulations, 2014 (SOR/2014-281) surrounding Public Statements, specifically SCHEDULE (Section 18 and subsection 23(1)) Code of Conduct of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Section 9.2 (below): +
Read 7 tweets
May 16th 2022
#elxn43 leaders E are thread. Stay tuned
1 minute BS opening from “geterdone” Ford. The over use of only is irritating. Incorrect too.
Great poke at NDP/Libs by #ILikeMike
Read 84 tweets
May 16th 2022
What does the next 3 years look like based on party promises, what Harris gave us in 1996 and the effect of inflation. The effect of not #DoubleODSPNow in 2022 for NDP means they will never hit poverty line & Liberals will never be above Harris rates. #elxn43 /1 The ODSP climb out of pover...
NDP still has a chance to fix this. @AndreaHorwath please give us a rationale as to why we must live in deep poverty until end of your 2nd year? Liberals how can you justify continued deep poverty & not even beat Harris’ deep cut rate? PCs unfathomable for anyone’s vote /2
@OntarioGreens keep holding the line and @MikeSchreiner please make sure you hold all the other leaders accountable to why we should stay in deep poverty. #ODSPinTVDebate. Ask why all parties don’t #DoubleODSPNow #elxn43 #onpoli /END
Read 4 tweets
May 16th 2022
If you are disabled, this is the election to ensure you vote. For the first time #ODSP has been a top issue. Your lives, your future is being debated. There are 2.6 million of us in Ontario. You have the power to influence YOUR future. #elxn43 /1
The 4 parties with elected MPPs have laid out their plans for us. Each party has decided whether or not we should live in poverty and how much we should live on. Most candidates have not taken the #1169challenge to say how we can live on their promises. #elxn43 /2 The $1169 Challenge.  The $1227 Blue Steak Special. The $128
The PCs have reluctantly promised 5% increase that wasn’t in their budget. The Liberals have promised 10% this year, 10% in 2023. NDP 20% this year and 80% in 2023. Greens? 100% this year. The 2020 poverty line was $2214. Only Greens will beat that in 2022. Inflation is 6.7% /3 The ODSP climb out of poverty. Starting at the bottom. We re
Read 8 tweets
Feb 19th 2022
Couldn't quite catch that part on camera, but as these three rigs went down O'Connor Street leaving the Parliamentary Precinct, there were both scattered cheers and a gent using, well, a single finger to say goodbye. #cdnpoli #protestconvoy
I'm just trying to go grocery shopping! But another pickup leaving if you can see the flag there on the pickup. 'Freedom!' the driver chanted to a pedestrian nearby. He replied with another expression that started with the f word. #protestconvoy
Crush of pedestrians moving south on Metcalfe as wind picks up. But also some headed north toward it.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 3rd 2022
Why is interim #CPC Leader @CandiceBergenMP posing with convoy protestors and endorsing convoy participants? Why, per @MariekeWalsh , is she trying to make the protest Trudeau’s problem? A thread …
First: This protest is all about removing COVID restrictions. The People's Party of Canada is all about removing health restrictions. The only "partisan" symbols I've seen at this protest have been PPC flags
Second: Except for Bernier in the Beauce, no riding had more PPC voters than Bergen's riding of Portage-Lisgar. 9,790 people in her riding voted PPC -- or 21.6% in #elxn44.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 6th 2021
IT'S NOT DIFFICULT TO IMAGINE Liberal MPs turning cartwheels over this Op-ed.

But, no matter.

AS A FORMER @CPC_HQ #CPC candidate who once felt the 'cold blade on the back of his neck' for having supported Kingston's local Prison Farm #YGK Âą…
during 2015 federal election #Elxn42, I can say @JohnIbbitson DOESN'T approach the blight existing between the floorboards.

IN ALL FAIRNESS THOUGH - that is not the focus of @JohnIbbitson's op-ed. Column space is limited.

Far from being a welcoming "Big Blue Tent",
@CPC_HQ is riddled with a not-so-nice undercurrent of 'shenanigans and subterfuge' [polite description]. Actually, it could be said to be a type of rot.

The undercurrent (or if one prefers, rot) is resulting in a hemorrhage - a damaging loss of valuable people.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 25th 2020
I want to provide some thoughts on the @CPC_HQ leadership of @ErinOTooleMP might mean for #cdnpoli but first a few disclaimers and background

Let me start by saying congratulations to @ErinOTooleMP for the win, and to his team who worked hard under difficult circumstances

#cdnpoli #cpcldr
I’ve known Erin for more than 10 years and always had respect for his service and dedication to his family and community, despite ideological divides

Read 12 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
@nationalpost "Even his climate change plan was better than most give him credit for. The Liberals created a false political narrative that any climate agenda that didn’t involve carbon taxes was necessarily deficient."
@nationalpost Worth recalling that during #elxn43, Andrew Scheer's campaign vowed not only to scrap the federal carbon tax (the least big-government, least intrusive, least regulatory approach to CO2 mitigation, widely endorsed by free-market economists), the revenues of which were returned...
@nationalpost ... to the populations of the 4 provinces to which the CT applied, but also the 2022 federal clean fuel standard, and EV subsidies. So those were 3 policy tools, carbon-pricing, subsidies & regs, that Conservatives took off the table for addressing climate change. When asked,...
Read 16 tweets
Jul 8th 2020
B1/22 - Continuing Thread from A24

THAT SAID - AND ÂŤonly if necessaryÂť - it could be argued that High Treason does in fact rise to the threshold of justification to invoke the Notwithstanding Clause.


The use of the conspiracy provisions of the Criminal Code reduces the likelihood of such a consideration.

There is an estimation by Canadians that justice is being sidestepped and there has been an 'escape (exemption) from punishment.' The thought of impunity for those who
committed/participated in genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes will not sit well with the values and sensibilities of the Canadian public.

Open trials can serve as means by which to lay bare ISIS’ narrative and to help counter violent extremism. In addition to
Read 24 tweets
Jun 27th 2020
I was present on many occasions during #Elxn42 & #ELxn43 when

@MarkGerretsen MP Kingston and the Islands #LPC #YGK

touted his supposed feminist credentials. His silence now with respect to @marwantabbaramp is deafening,... AND telling.

@denisebatters (commenting on a Tweet by @MichelleRempel) has hit the nail squarely on its head.

NOW, over to Mr. GERRETSEN @MarkGerretsen ...
@MarkGerretsen, you rarely - IF EVER - miss an opportunity throw stones at others.

BTW - Your last Tweet posted was 3:31 ポMay 22, 2020 (with a comment at 4:45). THAT'S IT!

37 Days

Serious Question: Is #YGK #Kingston expecting too much to see a little more from you?
Read 6 tweets
Jun 24th 2020
Using the phraseology of @CommrRCMPGRC Brenda LUCKI - namely, "painful to hear" - Madame, you have shown yourself ÂŤUNFIT TO LEADÂť @rcmpgrcpolice.

NEVER BEFORE has #RCMP relinquished its independence from political interference, not until you did so.…
28 May 2020 🚨 My original Call for the Resignation of @CommrRCMPGRC LUCKI - two weeks before she capitulated to the false #LPC narrative of "systemic racism" within #RCMP.

☞ In it, I identify the first steps of a road map for what is required.

15 June 2020 🚨 My reaction to the sudden decision by #RCMP @CommrRCMPGRC LUCKI to yield to political interference.

Read 6 tweets
Jan 3rd 2020
I’m genuinely baffled at how the Conservative establishment can conclude that the only shortcoming with the party’s climate change “plan” in #elxn43 was that they didn’t talk about it (well) enough. e.g. Hamish Marshall on @TheHerleBurly 1/ #cdnpoli
@LisaRaitt on @CANADALAND @OPPOcast… ). I wonder whether @Baird review will challenge the merits (or lack thereof) of the CPC approach more substantively? I hope so. The plan was poorly conceived talking more about it would have simply... 2/ #cdnpoli
@OPPOcast @Baird …shone a brighter light on the fact it would INCREASE carbon pollution per @MarkJaccard analysis (amongst others)… #elxn43 results—& plenty of opinion research (e.g. see…)—suggests a credible #climatechange plan is a pre-req 3/
Read 4 tweets
Dec 31st 2019
A thread worth reading & reflecting on for #cdnpoli watchers - this was, in effect, how Canada behaved on #climatechange until 2015, & for similar reasons (major fossil fuel exporter). We dodged a bullet in #elxn43 with Canadians clearly voting for parties that aim to do more 1/
& rejecting the Conservatives, in part because they effectively wanted to undo climate policy progress since 2015 & replace it with, well, not much. A big Q in 2020 will be who replaces Andrew Scheer as leader of the CPC & whether he or she takes #climatechange seriously & 2/
invests significant effort in bringing their base around to support genuine climate policy solutions. I’ll be watching with great interest (might also be of interest to folks in Australia @davidfickling ). 3/3
Read 3 tweets
Dec 18th 2019
These early #cpcldr polls of the general population do tell us a bit about what candidates might be viable and which are unlikely to compete, but I need to make a point about the “winability” measure that most are attempting to measure

Like the #elxn43 polls, I need to point out the importance of “where” instead of “how much”

An overwhelming approval or favourability in AB,BC &/or SK could make it appear one candidate has an advantage, while trailing among the remaining 2/3rds of the ridings in #cpcldr
So #cdnmedia should be cautious about #cpcldr polls that don’t provide regional breakouts

And Conservatives examining these with regards to “winability” should consider this same factor

Read 5 tweets
Nov 8th 2019
ICYMI, yesterday @cleanenergycan & @Pollara released an #elxn43 exit poll that explored (amongst other things) how #climatechange factored in & #climateaction priorities for the LPC minority gov’t.… A quick recap: 1/ #cdnpoli
67% of Canadian voters want the new Liberal gov't to either “enact the climate change policies they campaigned on” (37%) or to “enact stronger climate change policies than they campaigned on—to do more at a faster pace on this issue” (30%). A clear mandate for more #ClimateAction
The desire for stronger action is popular across party lines. Even 33% of Liberal voters want stronger climate policies than what was in the party’s platform, and majorities of Bloc (51%), Green (64%) or NDP (49%) voters share this sentiment. Stark contrast w CPC voters. 3/
Read 13 tweets
Nov 7th 2019
1/4 Points Of Contention #CDNpoli

RE #Scheer's Post #Elxn43 Caucus Statement

Conservatives appointed John Baird to analyze failed campaign strategy

Baird works for Eurasia Group

Eurasia Group colluded w Time magazine to run #ForeignInterference in elxn…
2/4 Points Of Contention

RE #Scheer's Post #Elxn43 Caucus Statement

#CDNmedia failed to challenge Scheer & distributed #FakeNews based on his false claims

This is not the strongest opposition + weakest govt in #CDNpoli history

2004: CPC 99 vs LPC 135
2006: CPC 124 vs LPC 103
3/4 Points Of Contention

RE #Scheer's Post #Elxn43 Caucus Statement

Everyone knows #CDNmedia fails at math

But difference of 36 seats between CPC & LPC in 2004 is identical to current govt

1979 was weakest govt & strongest opposition in #CDNpoli history:

Tory 136 vs Lib 114
Read 4 tweets
Nov 1st 2019
We have four exciting events coming up next week!
In cooperation with l’Observatoire de la politique et la sécurité de l’Arctique, we are presenting a panel on #elxn43 and Canada's arctic policy on November 4th. Please register on our site:…
On Tuesday, November 5th, we have a talk that will be presented in French titled "Des sentinelles pour l’environnement. Les observateurs d’oiseaux à Taiwan et Hong Kong". A reception will follow.…
Read 5 tweets
Oct 31st 2019
1/28 #CDNpoli #CDNmedia #Elxn43 #ForeignInterference

As some of you already know, my blockbuster investigation RE dubious interference in #Elxn43 (mostly via social media) is now being censored by Twitter, so it says "tweet unavailable" in RTs & threads

2/28 #CDNpoli #CDNmedia #Elxn43 #ForeignInterference

Several of you have sent screencaps to prove this censorship is happening

I thank @TrippettaRaffe for being the 1st to let me know, especially because Twitter doesn't notify account holders when it censors individual posts
3/28 #CDNpoli #CDNmedia #Elxn43 #ForeignInterference

An hour after @TrippettaRaffe notified that my investigation is being censored by Twitter, my fiancĂŠ was able to confirm the same issue

Of note, he's a federal govt scientist who now can't see my post

Read 30 tweets
Oct 31st 2019
1/9 #CDNpoli #USpoli #UKpoli #ForeignInterference

So, I set out to find contact info for Twitter to get in touch RE incidental censorship of political journos due to new company policy

Upon digging through the SEC I discovered theres a #TwitterPAC & I'm too busy to deal with it
2/9 #CDNpoli #USpoli #UKpoli #ForeignInterference

The #TwitterPAC is interesting enough to share though, in case any American journos wish to inspect

A few highlights:

- Twitter uses Deutsche Bank
- They donated to Chuck Grassley
- They also donated to the Tea Party's Mike Lee
3/9 #CDNpoli #USpoli #UKpoli #ForeignInterference

Today Dorsey stated

"We've made the decision to stop all political advertising on Twitter globally. We believe political message reach should be earned, not bought"

Yet this conflicts with a #TwitterPAC…
Read 11 tweets
Oct 30th 2019
1/3 I'm informed my pinned tweet is being censored by @Twitter @TwitterSupport

This is the post RE my investigation into #CDNpoli #Elxn43 & #ForeignInterference

It had 1.1K retweets & 1.3K likes before they killed it

See photo for how it appears now
. Image
2/3 I tested with help of others & although my pinned tweet RE #CDNpoli #Elxn43 #ForeignInterference appears on my page, it shows 'tweet unavailable' to those who RT'd & its erased from public view entirely

This @Twitter @TwitterSupport censorship is an affront to #PressFreedom
@Twitter @TwitterSupport 3/3 It's also disturbing that @Twitter is preventing a member of the #CDNmedia from reporting about #CDNpoli #Elxn43 & #ForeignInterference, especially because the tweet they censored encouraged further investigation by the RCMP & @ElectionsCan_E

Please amend, @TwitterSupport
Read 6 tweets
Oct 29th 2019
1. Before he was elected, @FordNation promised he would see the Basic Income Pilot through...

Once elected, he killed it.

Before the #Elxn43 vote was held, he said he wouldn't fight the #CarbonTax in court if the @CPC_HQ lost.

He's going ahead with it anyway

#cdnpoli #ONpoli
2. Before the #Elxn43 vote was held, NB Premier @BlaineHiggs he said he wouldn't fight the #CarbonTax in court if the @CPC_HQ lost.

While he will go ahead with a Made in NB carbon pricing scheme, he is still involved in the court case.

#NBPoli #CdnPoli
3. Before he was elected, AB Premier @JKenney promised cuts wouldn't go beyond a certain point and that he'd respect city charters.

He waited until the #Elxn43 vote was held to drop a buget in which he betrayed those promises and many more.

#ABPoli #CdnPoli
Read 6 tweets
Oct 26th 2019
This essential #elxn43 piece by @DrCherylT got me thinking about the connection between politeness and racism in Canada.

I’ve tried to distill some recent learning & reflections, informed by Robin DiAngelo’s ‘White Fragility’. 1/12…
The idea that a person who is polite is not racist, or that racism is somehow connected to politeness, is deeply entrenched.

We are hardwired to think that because we are ‘good people’, we are not racist. 2/12
Racism is understood as something committed by ‘bad people’ with ill intent.

Robin DiAngelo calls this the “good/bad binary”: the idea that racism is a question of good and bad people, and good people aren’t racist. 3/12
Read 12 tweets

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