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Oct 11, 2019, 7 tweets

Gender Based Violence #GBV is one of the most widespread and systematic #humanright violations. It’s imperative that we fight it to make the right to healthcare a reality and to promote peace and development #DayoftheGirl

The #MedecinsDuMonde network is putting forward a manifesto to fight #GBV with preventive and reactive responses. Read the full press release >>…

We need to focus on #prevention: promote behavioural changes, deconstructing #gender stereotypes to transform gender relations and identity.

We also need to bring about a change in perception of the groups exposed to gender violence, protecting the survivors’ dignity and highlighting their ability to act.

It’s imperative to safeguard their right to #protection and access to fundamental services. Prevention must include legal frameworks and policies directly and indirectly associated with #GBV, including mechanisms for early identification of survivors and referrals.

We must also involve men and boys, enabling them to recognise their vulnerabilities and needs in relation to #GBV, strengthening the bond between prevention and reaction.

#GBV has serious negative impacts on people’s physical, sexual and psychological health, development and identity. Together, we can fight it. #dayofthegirl

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