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Aug 23rd 2022
#ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation
Detenzione amministrativa in #Israel, esempio lampante di #Apartheid a servizio dell'occupazione.
Numeri record, incompatibili con una “democrazia”. ⬇1/14

#AdministrativeDetention #Palestine #23agosto #SanctionIsrael…
"Quando si parla di detenzione amministrativa, una delle politiche governative più aggressive immaginabili, essendo una forma di detenzione senza processo, è impossibile affidarsi all'Alta Corte di Giustizia.

Secondo un'indagine di @Haaretz, ⬇2
il tribunale non ha accolto nemmeno una petizione di annullamento di un ordine di detenzione amministrativa dall'inizio dell'anno.
L'Associazione per i diritti civili in #Israele non riesce a ricordarsi nessun caso in cui l'abbia fatto, non solo quest'anno, ma mai. ⬇3
Read 15 tweets
Aug 16th 2022
REMEMBER THIS 👇 in upcoming debates, if YOUR representative says words to the effect of: "Oh no, we're not trying to destroy #HumanRights. We agree Human Rights are important - honest, guv! - we just don't like the UK #HumanRightsAct and/or the #EuropeanConvention (#ECHR)"...
Such claims are DEMONSTRABLY BULLSHIT if they come from the mouth of *anyone* who supports the position @CPhilpOfficial has espoused, which the @Telegraph has splashed on its front page...
To be clear, #Article4 of #UDHR 👇 (also #ECHR and #HRA) is explicit and unambiguous:

"NO ONE shall be held in #slavery or #servitude; slavery and the #slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms."

Not "British citizens"; not "lawful residents", or "people we like"... Article 1 All human beings are born free & equal in dignity
Read 6 tweets
Jul 8th 2022
#EllasLaw | Second reading of @GreenJennyJones's #CleanAirHRBill in @UKHouseofLords from 10am Friday 8 July HT @EllaRobertaFdn. It's about the #HumanRight to #CleanAir and meeting new @WHO guidelines asap. Follow this thread for live updates. Details here:
#EllasLaw | Ella Roberta Adoo Kissi-Debrah died tragically - aged nine - on 15 February 2013. #AirPollution was listed as one of the medical causes of death after a long campaign by her mother @EllaRobertaFdn won a second inquest…
#EllasLaw | Coroner's 'Report to Prevent Future Deaths' said:

"@WHO guidelines should be seen as minimum requirements. Legally binding targets based on @WHO guidelines would reduce the number of deaths from air pollution in the UK"

@GreenJennyJones' #CleanAirHRBill does it!
Read 43 tweets
Jul 4th 2022
@NPR is doing its annual reading and tweeting of the #DeclarationOfIndependence. 246 years ago a group of men felt it so important that they risked everything to defy a King & start a path for a democratic republic. Today we’re seeing those values attacked by the stolen #SCOTUS
The #AntiDemocraticParty of the GOP passing laws & ideas to circumnavigate the will of #Americans. On this #IndependenceDay2022, it is time to not celebrate what happened 246 years ago, but to honor it by standing up for our #FellowAmericans ensuring that #Rights and #Freedoms
Are actually for all of us. #Autonomy is a #Right. Not being shot because you look dangerous or are frightened or just went to school #Right. Loving yourself & having your ability to have your own family is a #Right. #Healthcare is a #HumanRight (#AbortionIsHealthcare)
Read 7 tweets
May 24th 2022
"God gave you a voice. Use it. If you can see the worth in me, then you can see the worth in everyone you meet. We are all called to serve, as an everyday act of humility, as a habit of mind. To see the worth in every person we serve."-- Elizabeth Bonker…
Gene Editing Can Change The Social Behavior of Animals in Unexpected Ways…
#GeneEditing, #VasopressinHormone, #AnimalBehavior, #UnexpectedOutcomes
Deep Visual Proteomics defines single-cell identity and heterogeneity | Nature Biotechnology…
#DeepVisualProteomics, #CellularPhenotypes, #ImageAnalysis, #ArtificialIntelligence
Read 13 tweets
May 21st 2022
"We’re increasingly convinced about the crucial role storytelling has to play in helping us navigate the global challenges we’re facing and to build a more beautiful world. And we feel as inspired as ever to continue this work."--Happen Films @happenfilms…
New Evidence Shows Global Warming has Slowed Dramatically Over Last 20 Years…
#GlobalWarming, #MeteorologyBalloons, #SatelliteData, #TroposphereTemperatures
Read 13 tweets
May 19th 2022
Therapist Tip 👉🏻The Power of 'NO': the word "no" is a 'boundary'. It is a word that establishes or defines the space between you & someone else. It demands respect & is supposed to be learnt learnt through childhood development. It is a universal cue that people use #boundaries
to let others know that you are not OK about something. Boundaries are designed to keep you safe &/or establish ground rules for the relationship. One of the earliest indicators of #RedFlags in toxic people/relationships is a lack of Respect/empathy for the word "no" #SafetyFirst
This lack of respect is an 'indicator' that someone has a character/personality problem &/or flaw. If a person in your life refuses to listen or respect your "no", you may need help because you now have a 'relational' problem
Read 22 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
Today @StateDept formally announced that violence perpetrated by Myanmar’s military against the #Rohingya constitutes genocide and crimes against humanity. This should bring renewed attention to the role of Facebook @meta in fuelling the #Rohingya genocide. 1/6
It has been 5 years of promises from @meta to “do more” and “do better.” So, are they? No. @Global_Witness had 8 ads with explicit hate speech about #Rohingya approved for publication. 👎👎👎AP News: 2/6
This negligence is unacceptable. I saw this behavior over and over from Facebook - it ultimately led me to become a #whistleblower. @meta chronically underfunds and understaffs the teams responsible for keeping us safe — especially in the most vulnerable places in the world. 3/6
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Feb 25th 2022
In signing the Electoral Bill into law earlier today, @MBuhari objected to s. 84(12) of the law & requires @nassnigeria effectively to amend the law in order to repeal rust provision. The #NationalAssembly must disregard & resist this request. Here is why (Thread)

#ElectoralAct Image
S. 84(12) says:

"No political appointee at any level shall be voting delegate or be voted for at the Convention or Congress of any political party for the purpose of the nomination of candidates for any election".
Now, @MBuhari claims that: The practical application of section 84(12) is to "by operation of law, subject serving political office holders to inhibitions & restrictions", disabling them from running for office or participating as party members under the constitution.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
1) Just a reminder @WHO @FCTCofficial that the roof you live under is held up by pillars YOU are responsible to uphold.

If you ignore one it could bring the whole thing down.

Failing to acknowledge Article 1(d) and #harmreduction #tobaccoharmreduction is a failure of ideology.
2) That failure is not only apparent after the invention of #vape #vaping technologies but has been glaring at you and everyone that has been watching since 2006.

"The Fourth Pillar of the FCTC: Harm Reduction and the International Human Right to Health"…
3) Your roof is falling down on your head.

You fail to ask the question, "Why do people use nicotine?"

Instead you dehumanize them. Demonize them. You "other" them.

Why are 70% of cigarettes smoked, smoked by the #neurodiverse?

Why do you attack #safernicotine options?
Read 6 tweets
Jun 23rd 2021
1/ Today, a friend messaged a chatroom we're in, "I'm sorry I was there yesterday". They corrected themself a moment later, they had meant to say "wasn't", but...

I'm sorry that I had to be there yesterday.
2/ I'm sorry that our elected representatives made violently clearing encampments an official policy goal on June 8th and kicked the decision on how to implement that goal over to @TorontoPolice

I'm sorry that our housed neighbours have shown a willingness in the past to turn...
3/ a blind eye to the violence the @cityoftoronto enacts against our communities on a regular basis. Not just the unhoused community, but our friends and neighbours in Black and Indigenous communities, in LGBTQ+ communities, in immigrant communities.
Read 4 tweets
May 26th 2021
@WhatsApp has challenged the traceability provision in the Delhi High Court stating it is unconstitutional and against the fundamental Right to #Privacy as enshrined in Justice K.S. Puttaswamy vs UOI (2017).…
In order to follow the traceability provision i.e. Rule 4(2), WhatsApp would have to break end-to-end encryption for its users thereby undermining privacy of messages to its users.
You can read about the provision here:…. has been assisting FOSS developer Praveen A in challenging IL Rules,2021 including the traceability provision.

You can read about the challenge here:…
Read 8 tweets
May 25th 2021
The #ITRules 2021 came into effect on February 25, and today is the deadline for significant social media intermediaries to comply with new obligations under the IT Rules 2021.…
The Rules could undermine the principles of open & accessible internet, the fundamental #RightToPrivacy & #FreeSpeech & expression enshrined in the Constitution.
#DigitalIndia #SocialMedia #ILRules #DigitalDefenders
What are the major due diligence requirements that have to be observed by an #intermediary ?
#Datacracy #ottguidelines #SocialMedia #ITRules
Read 8 tweets
Mar 17th 2021
🔴LIVE in 1 Hour: #MFRR Summit

Join #MFRR keynote w/ UN Special Rapporteur @Irenekhan & Vice President @VeraJourova who will give a global and #Europe-wide picture of the #MediaFreedom landscape.

@ecpmf premieres documentary w/ at-risk journalists & whistleblowers 👇
🔴 #MFRR Keynote LIVE in 15 min here

We will be live-tweeting. 17-20 March  Locked Down - Protecting Europe's Free Press
"With the European Democracy Action Plan we put the #media where they should be, at the core of #democracy."

states @VeraJourova Vice-President for Values and Transparency in the @EU_Commission.
Read 12 tweets
Feb 9th 2021
In condemning the "illegal ruling" by Poland's constitutional court to ban #abortion, @MEugeniaRPalop says such criminalisation is "a violation of #WomensRights."

"It is part of an international, far-right conservative objective: to destroy gender equality."

"Women have the right to decide over their own bodies - a #HumanRight that cannot be violated," says @nvillumsen.

"In spite of mass street protests, by pushing through the #abortion ban with the help of illegitimate judges, the Polish government has violated EU #RuleOfLaw."
Describing Poland's #abortionban as "illegal & regressive", @deppcppeguengl's Sandra Pereira says it "goes against the dignity of women & their reproductive health rights."

"This ban also hits the most disadvantaged women in our society the hardest."

Read 4 tweets
Jan 3rd 2021
Everyone who says "#BoThSiDeS" can shove that phrase right up their backside, because of the @GOP using the turocharged capitalist equivalent to #warlordism in #congress and #senate, holding the entire nation as hostages for their reactionary bullshit!

And this "political #instability" and "#political uncertainty" is making the #USA a worse place to invest, conduct business in or with and to have to deal with in general.
Because Ghouls like #McCornell are just being #assholes for the sake of doing so and not facing #accountability for it!
Read 37 tweets
Nov 12th 2020
What Skerrit is saying in regard to not bringing #tobacco under the prescription model is complete rubbish. The @TGAgovau site explicitly mentions novel #nicotine products - #SLT & #HTP.
Huh.. @hollieahughes just said they're due to report by /18th/ December. I'd thought it was the 1st of December.
Emily Banks 'sum total of world experience' .. yeah, with some heavy #CherryPicking.
The Oz #ANTZ /all/ seem to be loving 'the #GatewayEffect' which is a 'real thing'.. 🙄
Read 137 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
The International Court of Justice of the Amsterdam District Court concluded that Polish courts are no longer independent and asked the @EUCourtPress about the consequences for the #EuropeanArrestWarrant regime.
Long🧵with my assessment ⬇️
1/ This is not the first time a national court has doubts as to whether suspects/convicts should be surrendered. For quite some time national courts denied surrender on various human rights grounds, in contravention of the black letter law of the Framework Decision on the #EAW.
2/ 🇬🇧 & 🇩🇪courts demanded assurances in relation to the detention conditions in certain issuing MSs already since 2013. They refused surrender in cases where they were not satisfied with the guarantees provided.
See footnote 29 in:…
Read 36 tweets
Aug 1st 2020
Fascinating (but not surprising) that MOST #ANTZ call out from their ECHO (Echo echo) chambers claiming to know what ALL #vape 'fans' think. So here's a tweet thread from a persons who #vapes and is a fan of #TobaccoHarmReduction, to clarify what ONE person in that group thinks.. Image
I'm completely in favor of 'phasing out' combustible #cigarettes. #THR products like #vape, #snus & #HTP could do that in a decade or so if the moron #ANTZ (like Ruth) had not demonized #nicotine & currently .. 'fight' against alternative nicotine products.
But when an #ANTZ says 'phasing out', my auto-correct inserts 'prohibition', and I definitely don't support that. It is a #HumanRight for people to choose to consume drugs, and the role of (ACTUAL) #PublicHealth ppl should be to encourage them to do so in the safest way possible.
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Jul 9th 2020
why i am no longer publishing (my own) #research in #academic journals - a (long) thread 1/38

#AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #academicpublishing #academicjournals #peerreview #ecrchat #OpenScience #publicationbias

(some references at the end of the thread)
(i still have a few collaborative papers to write and these will be published properly for the benefit of my co-authors)

i will soon publish a paper on a pre-print server, with no intention of submitting to an academic journal. my reasons for this are manifold 2/38
1. #academia is inherently corrupt & the publication model facilitates this:
- unpaid labour (editors, peer-reviewers,& authors [ok, they do get paid by the uni which oft = public funds yet journals privately profit & we see none of this unlike other forms of publishing]) 3/38
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Jun 27th 2020
#Location! Location! Location!…

Genuinely chilling. Especially this 👇detail.

How any country (with #GDPR) that respects the #HumanRight of #Privacy, thus #FreedomOfAssociation, could possibly consider the US regulatory regime '#adequate' escapes me... Image
And in case you were in any doubt that #PrivacyShield is a #ChocolateTeapot: Image
Read 3 tweets
Jun 22nd 2020
"Ppl who use food assistance...say they experience stigma, shame and hopelessness...seeking food traumatic, stressful and detrimental to one's health & wellbeing' - @ChristinaPolla8 @DrSueBooth "Food Insecurity & Hunger in Rich Countries' -…
'The Australian government is failing to fulfil its legal and moral obligation to guarantee the #humanright to #adequatefood for at least 1.2 mn people'. In a country that boasts about being #foodsecure & 'feeding 60 mn people', this is an indictment
The human right to adequate food is universal - everyone has it, regardless of who they are or how much money they have - and it is inalienable - it can't be forfeited or surrendered. Poverty is no reason for a person or group not to have access to adequate food at all times
Read 14 tweets

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