Tyler Pasciak LaRiviere Profile picture
Photojournalist in Chicago. Staff Visual Journalist with @Suntimes send tips and hate at tlariviere@suntimes.com

Oct 17, 2019, 7 tweets

Educators are currently picketing outside CPS headquarters in downtown Chicago. #Chicago #CTUstrike #CTU

Educators and student march and chanting on the sidewalk near the CPS headquarters. #Chicago #CTUstrike #CTU

The crowd has ballooned up to a couple hundred, and they are planning to move into Madison Street. Police have from Dearborn to State on Madison blocked off. #Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CTUstrike #CTU

Taking up the whole street, chanting at police to "let us through" #Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CTUstrike #CTU

Police have opened up the street, they plan to start marching, expect delays around downtown. #Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CTUstrike #CTU

Got well over 1000 people at Madison and Dearborn, more and more people keep coming in. #Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CTUstrike #CTU

Crowd at Dearborn and Madison has swollen to well over a few thousand with more and more coming in, seen union members of CTU, SEIU and IBEW. #Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CTUstrike #CTU

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