Tyler Pasciak LaRiviere Profile picture
Photojournalist in Chicago. Staff Visual Journalist with @Suntimes send tips and hate at tlariviere@suntimes.com

Oct 17, 2019, 6 tweets

Strikers have begun marching, the plan is to head to Randolph, head west bound until City Hall and march around City Hall. #Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CTUstrike #CTU

Strikers are marching past Daley Plaza and are slowly turning on Randolph to head to City Hall. #Chicago #CTUstrike #CTU

Educators are now in front of one of the City Hall entrances. #Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CTUstrike #CTU

Police have brought out the horses to help block streets for the Teachers strikers as they march through the loop. Currently the march is heading eastbound on Jackson. #Chicago #ChicagoScanner #CTUstrike #CTU

PHOTOS: Thousands educators and students picket in front of Chicago Public School's headquarters then march around The Loop. #Chicago #CTUSEIUstrike #CTUStrike #CTU

My favorite thing that happened at the teachers strike today was when the strikers marched to Jackson and Dearborn, and a man walked out of one of the offices and yelled at me and anyone who got in his way to "GO BACK TO WORK" #Chicago #CTUstrike #CTU

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