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Non-profit, social justice law firm. **No Immigrant Stands Alone** #AsylumIsaHumanRight #DueProcess4all #WelcomeWithDignity

Oct 25, 2019, 8 tweets

She is one out of 50k. Since Jan 2019, more than 50k asylum-seekers have been forced into the streets of dangerous border cities as part of the #migrantpersecutionprotocols. She is just one of the 50k desperate for help as they face a system completely stacked against them.

Yesterday she and her mom attended our clinic in Mexicali where we filled out their asylum applications so they have something to file when they return to court. ImmDef's Cross-Border Initiative is a lifeline giving families like hers a fighting chance at safety and protection.

Under the #migrantpersecutionprotocols, border courts are overwhelmed. Since Jan, cities like San Diego have seen new cases jump from ~200 to more than 2,000 a month. Judges lacking judicial independence are under pressure to violate due process in order to keep their jobs.

Lawyers are afraid to travel into dangerous border cities, making #MPP the most effective way yet 45 has found to deny immigrants access to counsel. We collaborated w/ @BorderKindness & @asylumaccessglobal in Mexicali this week to bridge that gap w/ Know Your Rights classes.

We are providing triage legal services to asylum-seekers who would otherwise be forced to face immigration court alone. Without #immdef & our partners, migrants representing themselves in #MPP have a less than 1% success rate. This is a deportation system, not a justice system.

ImmDef regularly sees ppl w/ serious medical issues, pregnant women, & LGBTQ individuals forced back into Mexico where @HumanRightsFirst recently reported 340+ instances of rape, kidnapping, torture, & other violent attacks. Each day #MPP continues people’s lives are at risk.

ImmDef sees firsthand the atrocities happening as #MPP expands along our border and we are begging you all to #stayoutraged. Do not let these men, women and children suffer in the dark. Share this thread and shine a light on what is happening. #thisisnotjustice #Dueprocess4all

Join us in the fight for due process for all immigrants. Join us in demanding justice at
#immdef #immigrantdefenderslawcenter #migrantpersecutionprotocols #nojusticenopeace

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