Tory Fibs Profile picture
Socialist. Irish. Trade Union Rep. Care about fixing poverty, protecting our NHS & eradicating homelessness. (☘️ Eóin) Armagh, Everton & Celtic

Nov 17, 2019, 7 tweets

I made this short video. It contains facts to disprove the antisemitism smears aimed at Jeremy Corbyn. Please use the video yourself for canvassing.

And I also made a text version rebutting antisemitism smears aimed at Jeremy Corbyn if you want to print it out, laminate it, and take it around the doors with you.

I made this short video. It disproves the IRA terrorist sympathiser smear often levied at Jeremy Corbyn. Save this for use when you are canvassing.

And I made a text version disproving the IRA terrorist sympathiser smear levied at Jeremy Corbyn. Please print these out and carry them with you when you are knocking the doors.

I made this video of 70 of Labour’s best policies. Show this to your canvassers before they go door knocking so they are familiar with Labour’s policies.

Here is a text version of 200 Labour Policies. It twins with the video above that includes the more recent announcements. I will update this graphic after the Labour manifesto is published. In the meantime, print it off & give it canvassers who are knocking doors.

The 6 tweets above arm you with very important facts both to disprove the main smears against Jeremy Corbyn & to inspire voters about Labour Policies. Print them, share them & show them to voters. We can do this.

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