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Simplifying complex economic & investing data with @ycharts | Long-term investor sharing everything I've learned about money, investing, and life.

Dec 12, 2019, 8 tweets

1/I’m rereading 100 Baggers by @chriswmayer. Another great book is Intelligent Fanatics by @iancassel and @iddings_sean.

These two books could be the only “investing books” you need to read for life-changing investment returns for normal people who invest.

A thread

2/ the book is based on a study of stocks that returned 100 times your money (or more).

This turns $10k into $1million.

These stocks are more common than one would think.

3/ but finding them is only half (or less) of the battle. You gotta hold on to them.

4/ our short termism makes the holding on part extra hard.

This is something I need to improve and will be my focus moving forward.

I’m 30 and barring unforeseen circumstances, have many years of contributions to my portfolio ahead.

5/ many “professionals” have found success using crazy strategies... that’s great, but these aren’t accessible to the everyday public.

The methodology @chriswmayer, @iancassel, @iddings_sean, @themotleyfool, and @DavidGFool outline is 100% accessible for folks like you and me

6/ probably the most important point. Investing thing way gives you time to do what’s most important in life (not stare at screens and the market)

I need to work on this as well...#2020goals

7/ some attributes of 100 baggers
Size is small
Quality is high
Growth in earnings (/sales) is high
Price is favorable for good returns.

Price is probably the hardest part here

8/ investing this way requires vision to see the future, courage to buy, and patience to hold. Patience being the hardest part.

Couple 100 baggers from the book: $AMZN $MNST $TSCO $TJX

Tagging some friends @FoolMCochrane @TMFInnovator @chitchatmoney @investing_city @FromValue

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