Mustapha Mond Profile picture
Resident World Controller. The perfect world,where y'all are still slaves, but we have ensured that u love your servitude. Unhappy? Have 1gm of soma.Pasticcio!

Dec 22, 2019, 11 tweets

Draw the parallels.
Hint: 60 years of Congress!!

#Hitler was an impotent, highly insecure man. His railings against the intellectuals were a reflection of his own helpless impotence masquerading as Nietzsche's Superman. A victim, an outsider, from the "lower class"....he rallied people around him using such narratives.

Hitler, like someone else we know, was pretty fond of saying stuff like "execute me" if i let you down etc etc.

Fact is, he was a coward who NEVER took responsibility for a single thing he did in his life!

Ominous Parallels. Too many!
Goebbels on Hitler and his industriousness. Hard working Fuhrer who barely sleeps.

Here is Goebbels again on Fuhrer.
Fuhrer as darling of entire nation [Arnab wants to know!]. A demi-god, flesh of its flesh, spirit of its spirit.
A spiritual person!
[Did he meditate in the Alps too?]

"Derision, scorn, and incomprehension do not move us; the
future belongs to us!"
Reichsfuhrer H. Himmler [Extrqct taken from Himmler's Order on SS MARRIAGES 1931]

More to follow.

#Schutzstaffel marriages.
Government order by #Himmler, 1931.

The Reich Citizenship Law, one of the infamous Nuremberg Laws, was publicly announced by Hitler and passed by the Reichstag in September 1935.

These Supplementary Decrees expanded and clarified the meaning of the Reich Citizenship Law. They were passed in November 1935.

I end this thread with a #Goebbels quote that captures the delusion and hallucination of #fascism so completely that i consider it to be the last word:

"In the end the world will learn to understand us"
[Diary Entry, 2nd April, 1933]

The essence of Totalitarianism.
[Hannah Arendt]

Came across this today during the course of my work. A Personality type definition by Ercih Fromm, a leading light from the school of humanistic #psychoanalysis.....

#Hitler as having a Necrophilous Personality type :)

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