Benjamin Strick Profile picture
Investigations Director @Cen4infoRes. Past BBC & @Bellingcat. Tutorials: OSINT/GEOINT. Views = own.

Dec 31, 2019, 7 tweets

Footage coming out under 'Geneina Bleeds' (#الجنينة_تنزف) tag after signs of attack emerge from Geneina/Al-Junaynah (الجنينة) in #Darfur Sudan. Refugees moving west through city. Footage filmed from this exact loc:…. H/T to @TramaZoul for the 📹

Transparency of geolocation of footage of refugees moving west through Geneina/Al-Junaynah (الجنينة) in #Darfur, Sudan, along the main road that cuts through the middle of the city. Geolocated to here:…

Footage indicates area where attack occurred in Geneina (الجنينة) #Sudan. This video was filmed from here:… & shows smoke rising from the far east side of the city near TAH6 highway. #الجنينة_تنزف #SudanUprising

Geolocation of video situates origin of footage at fuel station on east outskirt of #Geneina (#الجنينة). His bearing to the black&white water tower is about 307° from the fuel pumps. Smoke is behind that. He was standing here:… #الجنينة_تنزف #SudanUprising

By observing the geolocation of the video above, and the direction the cameraman was standing when he filmed it, I have identified a likely area of east #Geneina (#الجنينة) in Sudan's Darfur, where the burning happened. #الجنينة_تنزف #SudanUprising

NASA Worldview's @NASAEarthData MODIS fire anomaly detection layer shows multiple fires in east of #Geneina (#الجنينة) #Sudan on Dec 30. Resolution is not too clear, but I have provided @googleearth imagery for reference. #الجنينة_تنزف #SudanUprising…

Area of burning more strongly identified using @sentinel_hub false color filter based on bands 8, 4 & 3 to show where burn marks were left by fire. Timelapse created below using EO Browser imagery of #Geneina (#الجنينة) from Dec 26 & Dec 31, 2019. #الجنينة_تنزف #SudanUprising

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