Israel Nitzan🇮🇱 Profile picture
Former Acting Consul General at @IsraelinNewYork. Served also at @IsraelinEgypt (twice) & @IsraelinUN.

Jan 5, 2020, 7 tweets

.@IsraelinNewYork is proud to participate in the #NoHateNoFear march with our American #Jewish family, to #StandTogether with them , and with other elected & community leaders in the fight against #antisemitism and hate.
#JewishandProud /1

Thank you @UJAfedNY, @JCRCNY, @ADL and the #NewYork Board of Rabbis for inviting us to take part in this meaningful event. #NoHateNoFear /2

.@IsraelinNewYork is proud to join the 25,000 New Yorkers who marched today against #antisemitism at the #NoHateNoFear rally. #JewishandProud /4

Rabbi Michael Miller of @JCRCNY: “What do we want ? #NoHateNoFear !” /5

.@matisyahu at the #NoHateNoFear rally:
“One day this all will change
Treat people the same
Stop with the violence
Down with the hate
One day we'll all be free
And proud to be
Under the same sun
Singing songs of freedom” /6

Such a powerful show of #Jewish unity & expression of solidarity by diverse leaders, against hate, against #Antisemitism, showing No fear. It was a privilege spending this special day with you. #NoHateNoFear #JewishandProud /7

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