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Jan 18, 2020, 100 tweets


Take a strange trip with me down the rabbit hole. This is going to take many twist and turns that all point back to Project Looking Glass, the Origins of Looking Glass, and some other related Archeological sites and/or Artifacts.



**I even found some ancient scripture describing a LG type instrument being used in EGYPT! BOOM! More on that later**

Some people don’t know what Project Looking Glass is. Lets go through a quick bare bones break-down to shine some light.

(Next 7 tweets are “basic” LG info)

Q pointed out Project Looking Glass.

It’s a top secret gov program using extremely intelligent tech to look into the future & see the 2 most “probable” outcomes. The Looking Glass machine shows 2 separate possible outcomes of the future played out in hologram form, like a movie.

Both outcomes are overlapping each other or blended together. They have a computer that records and separates the 2 outcomes/movies apart from each other for viewing. The more probable outcome will play longer than the least probable outcome from what I have researched.

Looking Glass tech was developed by reverse engineering the machine from the ancient Sumerian cylinder seals.

The original Sumerian seal technology works by opening a “door” to access natural Einstein Rosen Bridges (ERB). It functions like a transporter or teleportation device.

You can instantly be transported/teleported from one place to another by just standing on it.

This makes it sound “crazy”, but it’s basically a portal or a stargate. (You didn’t think they came up with the ideas for these shows/movies on their own did you?)

After designing and experimenting with the Looking Glass machine (made by reverse engineering the Sumerian portal info), they figured out if you make adjustments to the angle of the “barrel” you can transport people to different locations.

And if you adjust the power (electricity) up or down it can transport into the past or future. After more experimentation they found out LG can also play images from those places/times (without transporting anyone there) & show the future displaying the 2 most probable outcomes.

Next they found by using 2 LG machines operating at once they could get sound to “play” with the images. Ok, I think that’s a good break down for anyone new to the LG tech.

Now the whole crew is ready to head down the rabbit hole & shine some light into the darkness. 🇺🇸💪


Q: Where did the Looking Glass technology originate?

A: Reverse engineered from information found on ancient Sumerian cylinder seals (artifacts).

How could that be?
[THEY] taught us that everyone in history before us was dumber than us.

So many Lies and so many Liars.

Its interesting this says when the US was in Iraq (2003) Iraq had almost 7000 Sumerian cylinder seals “looted” out of the Baghdad museum?

Kind of reminiscent of the Nazis looting artifacts during WWII...

[THEY] were up to something. Compiling more information/technology? 🤔

I think I found a Project looking glass type of technology being used in ancient Egypt by Joseph (Israel/Jacobs beloved son).

Recorded and saved for us in the Book of Jasher (hidden biblical scripture) 👀



Background info: Book of Jasher is mentioned in the Bible but not included in the Bible. Hidden.

Joshua 10:13
2 Samuel 1:18

[THEY] claim it’s fake. But don’t forget, [THEY] are liars.

Jasher is packed with info/history not found in the Old Testament explaining many things.

Since this takes place hours into the book here’s the setting: Joseph has been sold as a slave by all his brothers except one, Benjamin who was younger @ home.

Slave masters bring him to Egypt.

After many trials, by Gods hand he becomes second in command of Egypt under Pharaoh.

When Joseph came to Egypt he was given an Egyptian name to use instead of his Hebrew name Joseph.

In Egypt Benjamin has only heard Joseph called by the Egyptian name so he has no clue this is his brother “Joseph”.

Also who knows how decked out Joseph was dressed being King.

Ben came with his bros to Egypt to get food (during a 7 year drought) & maybe see if they could find Joseph.

Joseph loves Ben bc he wasn’t a part of the betrayal/sale of Joe into slavery. They also both have the same mother. The other brothers have different mothers (same dad).

Here are the verses that speak of a Looking Glass type of technology in Egypt from book of Jasher.

If you would rather listen here is a link to the YouTube video. This part starts at 2:30:55 and goes until 2:32:10.


Map of the stars whereby Joseph knew all the times?

Benjamin looked at that “instrument with the map of the stars of heaven” and was able to “see” where his bro was who had been missing for 30+ years?

WAIT what?!

With a “map of the stars of heaven” and an “instrument”?


I found some really strange info when looking into star maps.

But before we get into some of that let’s look at a few Q drops from the beginning that could be related to Looking Glass.

The last Q post we will go over leads into the next connection by the way.

I noticed that some sentences or statements seemed “injected” into the posts. Like they don’t seem to fit with the rest of the info from that particular post.

Hidden for anons?

Many clues pointing directly at LG...

Q says think mirror the answers are behind you.

Post 46 Q posts “the wormhole is deep”
Wormhole = an ERB (Looking Glass uses an ERB)

Post 47 Q asks “how has POTUS made such progress in the short time he’s been president. Alice in wonderland”
Look behind post 46: wormhole = LG

I had a thought about the face 2 face and undisclosed trip thing. Did someone take a truly undisclosed trip through the ERB “jump room”? And it says Alice & Wonderland right after.

I know it sounds wild, but here we are talking about Looking Glass, nobody seen that coming.

Lewis Carroll wrote the famous books “Alices adventures in Wonderland” & its sequel “Through the Looking Glass”

Turns out he was a pedophile. Yeah, the guy who wrote Alice in wonderland.🧐

He was teacher of mathematics at Oxford, deacon @ Anglican church & possibly a Satanist?

Staged and deliberate makes sense. News and future drops unlock previous drops.

Q had to build trust & belief up that he was telling truth. MANY Q-proofs & deltas etc. before Q began dropping links to “heavy” stuff.

The complete picture would put 99% of people in the hospital

Here’s where Q says plainly “The truth is behind you”

After Hillarys loss she had no speech & there was a scramble to have the secret “Hillary lost? OH SHIT!” meeting

Did Hillary have LG connections in SA? Did they need to be cut so she couldn’t “go back” and make countermoves?

More drops for above tweet...

Also population control using world wars. [THEY] were using Looking Glass making sure the wars would profit [THEM]?



We are still only at post 167, Q hasn’t even been around for a full month. Q sure has been dropping a lot huh?

POTUS opened the “Door of all Doors”?

Expand your thinking?

I wouldn’t be surprised to find that Trump has been using the “Jump Room” transporter. What a bad ass. 🇺🇸

Q goes on to say if the MSM asks about Q , they will self destruct. Q says “think of every post made (Looking glass).

Q team will prove every post made is true.

“How do you remove evil in power unless you release the “ultimate” truth?”

Hint: it’s called DECLAS

🇺🇸💥 BOOM! 💥🇺🇸

See how Q is using this post to threaten [THEM]?

Q threatens [THEM] with our resolve & ability to FREE THINK! (LG etc)

He even threatens [THEM] with white squall, wait White Squall? Why would White Squall be a threat? Maybe there’s more to it than WWG1WGA?


Ridley Scott.

Remember when Q said Trumps “Scott Free” tweet was related to Scott free productions>”White Squall” and was = to a WWG1WGA to anons on Trumps Twitter?

Scott Free is Ridley Scott’s movie and TV production company.

Q post 1621

Where did the storm derive from?
When did we arrive to start the awakening?
Listen carefully?
You have more than you know?

The WHOLE 1996 ad for the movie White Squall seems to be centered around “The Plan”.

Scott Free!


White squall Cuban Missile Crisis/JFK? In the movie White Squall at 47:47 is JFKs Cuban missile speech.
11:11 (cult numbers)
Message for [THEM]? Here comes the pain?

Multiple meanings: its also a We Are With You to the captive people of the world. Hong Kong, NK, Iran etc

All seem like coincidences? How many coincidences before the coincidences become mathematically impossible?

At what point to people wake up?

So your wondering where I am going with this, what about LOOKING GLASS!

Well what if I said Looking Glass is exactly how I ran into Ridley Scott?!

Ridley Scott has a movie about ancient cultures & STAR MAPS. And Egypt is one of the ancient cultures in the movie!


I’m back out of the rabbit hole & wow!

Ridley seems to be dropping strange clues & we have White Squall. What if Ridley has something else?

Well he has a TV show on amazon called “Man in the High Castle”. & guess what, it’s loaded with Looking Glass & Qanon clues for us.


In the photo I have a quick outline of what’s going on in the show. Interesting.

Especially the strange “films” floating around showing an alternate future or past depending on the film being watched.

As we go I’ll include quotes from the show involving freedom fighting etc

Here is a picture showing how the USA has been split up between the Nazis and Japanese in the show.

The photo helps clarify what’s going on a bit.

The first episode begins with a bang. @ 2:03 (20-3=17) in we have a card with an address that has “Montauk” in it.

The address is 4112 (4+11+2=17) Q

Montauk happens to be the location of a Gov black ops base that experimented with mind control & time travel.


The military base is located in Montauk, NY & is called Camp Hero. This is a deep underground military base said to go 12 levels underground.

As of today it’s “closed down” & has been turned it into state park. But something fishy is going on at Camp Hero.

@ Camp hero [THEY] were doing mind control & time travel experiments. 17 and under was the prime age for mind control test subjects (growing mind). At first they tested on homeless after that they kidnapped children.

Is this where all the missing children were going back then?

Many couldn’t handle the testing and died. Its also said if [THEY] didn’t like the way the tests were going [THEY] killed the “subject” & buried the body’s somewhere on the premises.

This sounds familiar. Who knows where the bodies are buried? Flynn?

#Qanon @GenFlynn #GenFlynn

The scientist working at Camp Hero were said to all be Nazi’s. Some of the very same Nazis that made their way over here during US Top Secret “Operation Paperclip”

Nazis, mind control, time travel?

Yeah I know, LETS DO THIS!! 🕳🐇

2nd episode 3:45 in we have a “Canon City” sign.

Doesn’t it look like “ANON” City?!

3 of the 7 bulbs are burnt out in the C of Canon. 🤔

Also 3:45 (3x4)+5=17 Q
Ridley Scott is the man! Wooooo!


“Evil triumphs only when good men do nothing.”

A good quote from 30:30 in the 2nd episode.


Here’s another Canon City sign but this one looks like QANON

This appears at 47:37 2nd episode as one of the characters (Joe) goes into the movie theater.

Is Ridley trying to get ANONS attention right at the beginning of his series “The Man in the High Castle”? I think he is!

“Men are mortal and imperfect they see the world as they wish to see it through the LOOKING GLASS of their limited perspective.”

This is a quote from 4th Episode of Season 1 @ 48:28

Looking Glass!

Has Q been waiting for us to find this stuff?? We have more than we know.

Next we have a Japanese intelligence agency wire tap record/note. (They were wire tapping anyone talking about the films)

The context of the note almost has a Wizard of Oz feel to it.

Down in the bottom right corner it says “phone locator no.17”

2:16 Season 1 Ep 7

This quote (in the 1st photo) is from one of the resistance fighters in the movie (Anon). Teaching his kid how to fish & possibly deeper than a fishing lesson.

Fishing is fun....Q

Frogs, fish, & trolling. This kind of describes how President Trump rolls. The TROLL KING 👑 Q+

End of season 1 (57:17) the Japanese trade minister “travels” to another world while meditating. In this world (ours) he sees a newspaper with JFK & “US imposed arms blockade on Cuba” the title of the article says “Cuban A missile build up”.

The paper also says ‘America First’

Q says “think ‘White Squall’ re: Cuban missile crisis/JFK” & “expand your thinking” in that same post.

Ridley Scott with 2 different movies/shows involving Cuban Missile crisis? Here we go!



At 10 seconds into season 2 episode 1 of Ridley Scott’s The Man in the High castle we have a Nazi school bus with the number 152 on it.

(15+2=17) Q

I can see this is not a coincidence. Do you see what I see? 👀


This quote/convo is between the main character Juliana & Abendsen AKA The Man in the High Castle. He controls all of the films the resistance can obtain.

He informs her about the films. How they show things that “could” happen & that we can learn much from them.

Looking Glass

This quote is a weird one but it seems to hint of quantum physics which goes hand in hand with everything we are going over.

Its important to note that some semi-recent findings in Quantum physics point towards some of this strange stuff being possible. More on that later.

In this quote (first photo) the trade minister is trying to make sense of what happened during his meditation when he “traveled” here and seen the American billboards, advertising and newspaper (shown in photos).

There’s the Cuban Missile Crisis mentioned again also. Q

Quote of Trade minister visiting a Japanese Temple for answers.

He asks to see the old texts and is brought to an inner room with the hidden books. Both “Brave new world” books are present

I looked into the Blake writings & it was deep. I’ll have to dig into some of these later

Next clue: Biltmore Whiskey 1947 with a Nazi symbol.
S2 e3 37:44

Q has posted about Vanderbilt’s, Anderson Cooper & Biltmore Estate.

Here’s a photo of Gloria Vanderbilt with 2 Iron Crosses & one of those shamanic type charms like Q pointed out.

Was she some kind of Nazi witch?

“Fear changes everything Frank, it changes everything. And once their afraid they’ll turn against each other, they’ll tear each other apart.

That’s how we bring down the pawns. That’s how freedom loving people have always brought down empires.”

Quote from S2 e4 17:00 (Q)

Here’s a quote from the news on TV. This is from scene where the Trade minister has “traveled again to our timeline/world via meditation.


Trade Minister is looking at another newspaper (he is still in our world). The main headline: “War over Cuba” and “JFK to Address Nation Tonight”

S2 e6 24:17

Now the Trade Minister is witnessing the JFK Cuban missile crisis speech on live TV (Our world)

Ridley sure has a ton of JFK/Cuba references going on here.

This speech was on Oct. 22 1962…

S2 e6 50:09

Bigger than you can imagine, expand your thinking

Y symbol in the show representing the Lebensborn Nazi Breeding Program. (Real)

Set up by Himler producing racially pure (Aryan) children to populate Germany after losing many men during the war. They also kidnapped for the program.

Nazi programs & kiddnapping? 🤔

30:21 E1 s3

While researching the Lebensborn symbol I read Himler (2nd in command under Hitler) was into the occult & rituals. He first turned the SS into a cult & later the whole Nazi party/state into a cult.

I’m starting to wonder if theres still a Nazi Cult that runs the world secretly?

Episode 2 season 3 is named “Imagine Manchuria”.

Fitting as one of the characters in the episode, Joe, is a brainwashed “super soldier” hit man.

There’s mention of a “Lotus Eater” @ 6:24 in e2 s3

I dug up a story about an island tribe of Lotus Eaters. (not the flower different lotus/mystery plant)

They were said to be able to control & share dreams, which would often contain visions of the past, present, and future. 👀

Lady: “Year Zero
An experiment. A reset. A New America.”

Guy: “What’s the angle?”

Lady:”Deprive people of their natural consciousness, dilute their national pride, do not teach their history.”

Quote from E3 s3 7:44

Sounds like what [THEY] have been doing to us in America.

This quote (first 2 photos) is from a scene where Nazi Leader Smith goes to Ahnenerbe Institute (real place where they did human experiments etc.)

The main scientist shows him a “traveler” that they have in custody.

Here’s the photos of the traveler Fatimas hand and the scientists “record” of the same Fatima that died.

Here’s a quote (first photo) about the Portal/ERB site in the show, Lackawanna mine.

Juliana says the light has a sound (the light is from the portal) & if you watch S3 e3 @ 11:22 you can hear a strange whomp whomp noise when they get close to the portal in the show.

I found a report of someone who was able to get a cemented manhole open & went down into the underground Montauk tunnels.

They were flooded but he made it pretty far. He reported hearing a weird noise like a whomp whomp, whomp whomp, pulsing energy sound & felt a vibration. 👀

458 license plate 4+5+8=17
E4 s3 26:07

3707 address 3+7+0+7=17
E4 s3 50:10

Here’s 2 different 17’s in episode 4 season 3. Q=17th letter of the alphabet. How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

These are comms from Ridley Scott


Projekt 701 Die Nebenwelt
(Portal Blueprint)
S3 e5 46:23

This is a photo of the portal/LG blueprints. 701 on the Portal blueprints? Those are the same numbers that make up the number 17.


I think this quote (1st photo) is hinting at Himmlers occult back ground.

Second photo is a Hitler quote (not from the show) about driving the Freemasons out of town and controlling that symbolic rites/magic/cult symbols ‘element’.

This quote (2 photos) about piercing the membrane with the portal machine is interesting.

There’s a video with one of the Montauk eyewitnesses explaining that the Montauk site was chosen for the portal because it’s the thinnest part of the earths magnetic field or something. 🤔

It’s also interesting that the photos show 4 worlds. 1 world on one side of the wormhole/ERB and 3 on the other side.

Is there more than 1 “alternate timeline”?

This quote is about the Nazis invading the other worlds, conquering them and turning them into perfect “Nazi” worlds.

Nebenwelt translates to Sideworld in English.

Also here we get a better look at the portal machine blueprints.

A quote (1st photo) about the portal/machine located in the mine.

Doesn’t aiming it kind of sound like the Looking Glass machine?

Test “subjects” being sent into the portal handcuffed to a conveyor. Only one survives and makes it through. The other 3 die.

The head gear is even kind of similar to the Stranger Things kid. And Stranger Things is based off of Camp Hero/Montauk project. 👀

This quote (1st 2 photos) is heavy. Sending commandos through the portal to ‘here’?

Draining the alt world of all technological, cultural intelligence and military secrets?

Let that sink in. Portals can go 2 ways, much like a door. If we could go there, they could come here.

What if this is exactly what’s been going on? I know what your thinking but if the truth would put 99% in the hospital it’s going to be pretty wild.

Researching Quantum physics actually points to alternate or parallel worlds/dimensions existing!! 🤔…

The scientist says they are “taking care” (kill smart people) of the alt worlds knowledge of Quantum.

The two magazines they mined from our world are Sept. 1964 & May 29th 1964. That’s like 6 months after the JFK assasination (11/22/1963)

What if they “took care” of JFK?

There was a movie in 1991 called JFK with a Looking Glass quote, speaking directly about the JFK assasination. 🧐

“We're through the Looking Glass. White is black. And black is white. Maybe Oswald is just what he said he was. A patsy.”

Here’s the clip:

In the quote (first photo) when Juliana says “here”, that’s our world.

She traveled using meditation out of the alternate “Nazi” world to our world (see photos of timeline jump).

The quote is about the secret Nazi agents coming to our world & sabotaging our defense program.

Next quote (1st photo) Nazi Smith reading Alice in Wonderland to his kid.

Ridley Scott is really bringing the heat. 🔥

After Hunter Biden came out of hiding (where’s Hunter?) he compared Trump to the Cheshire Cat and said Trump lives in a version of Alice in Wonderland. 👀

Juliana: “Thomas there are very few things in this world worth dying for even fewer are worth killing for. You do understand that?”

Thomas: “Yeah?”

Juliana: “Those things do exist but when there’s something truly worth fighting for your going to know it. Trust me”

S4 e3 13:36

Action at a distance. Moves and countermoves. Chess. Double meanings. Door of all doors.

The US Military = savior of mankind.

[They] plan to conduct another mass extinction event. The ‘cult’ runs the world and all that you know to be right is wrong. Fantasy Land.

Who’s [THEY]?
Could [THEY] be FROM Fantasy Land?
Is all that we’ve known to be right wrong?

Q repeated important stuff in post 111. He repeated fantasy land more than anything (4x) and Q says the full picture would put 99% of the world in the hospital.

Trump is saving mankind.

It’s like this quote (1st photo) is made for us.

Nothing can stop ‘WE THE PEOPLE’!

If there’s a will, there’s a way.

It’s time to strengthen ourselves and fight! PATRIOTS FIGHT! WWG1WGA!


Japanese Traitor: “The war is never lost until the last man dies.”

S4 e7 6:47


S4 e10 18:29

The Nazi propaganda news network in the show is called GNNS news.


I brought up Gloria Vanderbilt a few tweets back and asked if she was a Nazi witch because she was wearing not 1 but 2 Iron Crosses in the photo with the shamanic charm necklace.

Anderson Cooper is her son. Working at CNN, Cable Nazi News.


I dug & found a Cornelius Vanderbilt. He was bored with the wealthy life so joined “military” & later became a “news man”.

It’s weird, he managed to interview all the big names. Mussolini, Stalin and HITLER.

Maybe he was a pioneer. Pioneer of the propaganda industry?

In this quote (1st photo) a resistance fighter says they need to destroy the portal because it’s an abomination.

Juliana explains its only an abomination because the Nazis control it.

Then Wyatt calls it a doorway. 👀

Quote (first 2 photos) talking about the prior “planned mass extinction events”.

And it goes on to say “and [THEY] are gonna do it all over again aren’t they?”

After this “talk” with her daughter Smiths wife breaks into locked desk and finds what’s called Operation Firecross.

It’s phase 5 of the plan for the “Pacification and Purification” of America.

This plan lists the estimated number of undesirables. (aka deplorables?)

It also shows the proposed locations of concentration camps in the western states.

It goes on to show the Transportation Infrastructure. Railroad cars packed wall to wall with humans.

Followed by a Gas Chamber layout coupled with an Incinerator room.

This makes me think about the Walmart FEMA Camps and other un-occupied prison camps located right off the rail roads scattered across the USA.

Walmart RULES distribution & transportation when it comes to moving products.

(Some real interesting info on Walton in the 1st photo.)

Walmart could easily distribute/hold people if a “planned mass extinction event” took place.

Walton’s Intelligence background/Internment Camp Management experience, Gov people seen in Bentonville, AR & a secret Data Center powerful enough to run the country = 🚨

5:5 eyes on! 👀

A few years before the election, videos started surfacing of local Walmart’s closing abruptly, renovated with barbed wire on the rooftops, metal detectors & outdoor garden areas caged & setup for prisoner check in/receiving.

Videos of plastic coffins stockpiled by railways etc.

Critical thinking time. All this strange stuff going on before Hillary was “scheduled” to be President?

Uranium One.

A Nuclear strike was going to hit the US.

Hell was going to break loose. Literally.

Another planned mass extinction event almost took place.


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