You won't want to miss this year's MIT Bitcoin Expo! Early-bird tickets are selling out fast and prices go up on Feb 9th! Speaker announcements starting now and throughout this week so stay tuned! #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
Our first speaker for 2020 is Sharon Goldberg! @goldbe is not only CEO/Co-Founder of @arwensecure, a Boston startup building out layer-2 non-custodial trading, but also an associate professor at @BUCompSci! Come see her! #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci Tadge Dryja, a staple of the Expo, is back again this year! @tdryja is the co-inventor of the Bitcoin Lightning Network and has been continuing his work on scaling solutions as a researcher at @mitDCI. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI Robleh Ali is a researcher @mitDCI working on #CBDC and its impact on the financial system. @RoblehAli previously led the Digital Currencies research at the Bank of England, one of the first central banks to research CBDC. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli David Vorick is CEO at @NebulousLabs, the parent company of @SiaTechHQ focused on decentralized cloud storage, and @ObeliskTechHQ focused on blockchain hardware. We're excited to hear @DavidVorick speak! #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick Valentine Wallace is a software engineer at @sqcrypto. Previously at @lightning, @vallywal now works on Square Crypto's Lightning Development Kit! You won't want to miss hearing how she's #BuildingTheStack! #MITBitcoinExpo
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal Carl Dong is a Bitcoin developer working at @ChaincodeLabs. @carl_dong previously worked at @Blockstream before joining Chaincode, #BuildingTheStack by contributing to Bitcoin Core and rust-bitcoin! #MITBitcoinExpo
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream Quanquan Liu is a PhD student at @MIT_CSAIL in the Theory of Computation group. @qqliu9's research interests include consensus for blockchains and proofs of work/space. You won't want to miss her talk! #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 Cory Fields is a Bitcoin Core developer at @mitDCI. Cory has taken a step back from front-line development work recently to focus on researching long-term solutions for hardening the security of cryptocurrencies. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 Sonja Davidovic is an economist at @IMFNews. @sonjadav is exploring how emerging technologies can help IMF member countries achieve their development goals and is part of a team working on #CBDC implementation considerations. #MITBitcoinExpo
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav Ethan Heilman is the CTO and co-founder at @arwensecure. @Ethan_Heilman is also an inventor of the TumbleBit protocol and several of his contributions have been merged into Bitcoin Core. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman Stacie Waleyko is a software engineer at @CasaHODL. @StacieWaleyko is passionate about solutions that empower the individual and is #BuildingTheStack by working on technology to make self-custody easier and safer. Hear her speak at the #MITBitcoinExpo!
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko Chain-chain communication got you down? No fear, James Prestwich is here! Founder of @summa_one
and co-founder of @crosschaingroup, @_prestwich is #BuildingTheStack when it comes to interoperability. Hear him talk at this year’s #MITBitcoinExpo
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich Ria Bhutoria is Director of Research at @DigitalAssets. @riabhutoria previously led the efforts at @ResearchCircle but now is #BuildingTheStack by conducting research and analysis on the digital asset ecosystem for clients. See her at the #MITBitcoinExpo!
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle John Carvalho, CCO at @bitrefill, is a dedicated and outspoken Bitcoiner, working to defend Bitcoin and debate its function and purpose. @BitcoinErrorLog is #BuildingTheStack by helping Bitrefill to build a circular economy for Bitcoin. #MITBitcoinExpo
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog Amiti Uttarwar is a Bitcoin Core contributor at @xapo. @amizi began contributing to Bitcoin in 2019 and has been redesigning how transactions are broadcast in Bitcoin Core to improve privacy. #BuildingTheStack #MITBitcoinExpo
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi Mike Orcutt is a senior reporter at @techreview. @mike_orcutt writes about blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and the future of digital money. He also writes Tech Review's weekly crypto-focused newsletter, called Chain Letter. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt Amanda Fabiano is Director of Bitcoin Mining at @FCATalyst. @_amanda_fab is very interested in the economics of Bitcoin mining, and is currently working on expanding Fidelity's Bitcoin mining operations. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab John Newbery is a Bitcoin Core developer at @ChaincodeLabs and has been contributing to Bitcoin since 2016. @jfnewbery set up @bitcoinoptech in 2018 to help Bitcoin companies adopt scaling technologies. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech Neha Narula is Director at @mitDCI. @neha's research interests are in cryptocurrencies and distributed systems. Previously, she helped re-launch the news aggregator Digg and was a senior software engineer at Google. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha Andrew Poelstra is Director of Research at @Blockstream. Andrew has been contributing to Bitcoin since 2011 and is #BuildingTheStack as co-maintainer of libsecp256k1! Recently he has been working on miniscript and rust-bitcoin. #MITBitcoinExpo
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha James O'Beirne is a Bitcoin Core developer at @ChaincodeLabs who is moving to @dglab_official later this year! @jamesob developed the assumeutxo scaling proposal and bitcoinperf performance benchmarking framework. #BuildingTheStack #MITBitcoinExpo
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob Tara Tan leads the Venture Studio @IDEOVC at @ideocolab. Together with analysts, VCs, and startups, @taratan recently published a collaborative report on the progress of cryptocurrency adoption in 2019! #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan Jameson Lopp is co-founder and CTO at @CasaHODL. @lopp enjoys building technology that empowers individuals. He has spent the past 5 years #BuildingTheStack by working on infrastructure to help people secure their private keys. #MITBitcoinExpo
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp Antoine Le Calvez is Lead Blockchain Data Engineer at @coinmetrics. @khannib has been extracting insights out of blockchains since 2014, created and previously worked at! #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp @coinmetrics Cassie Clifton is the host of the @whatshalvening podcast, where she explores the topic of Bitcoin mining. @bitcoincass is on the operations team at BTC Media, parent company to @BitcoinMagazine. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp @coinmetrics @whatshalvening @bitcoincass Jeremy Rubin is a Bitcoin Core developer and former President of the MIT Bitcoin Club! Having played a founding role in the Bitcoin community at MIT, @JeremyRubin continues to work on #BuildingTheStack, helping Bitcoin achieve its goals. #MITBitcoinExpo
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp @coinmetrics @whatshalvening Pieter Wuille is a Bitcoin Core developer at @Blockstream. @pwuille co-authored the recent Schnorr and Taproot Bitcoin Improvement Proposals as well as the miniscript higher-level transaction scripting language! #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp @coinmetrics @whatshalvening @pwuille Yael Tauman Kalai is a senior principal researcher at Microsoft Research and an associate professor at MIT. Yael co-invented ring signatures and proved the insecurity of the Fiat-Shamir heuristic without random oracles! #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp @coinmetrics Co-founder of @DAR_crypto, Lucas Nuzzi recently joined @coinmetrics! @LucasNuzzi has been exploring Bitcoin infrastructure and custody since 2013, and writes articles about many aspects of its technology and governance. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp @coinmetrics @DAR_crypto Elias Simos is Senior Research Analyst at crypto hedge fund Decentral Park Capital. @eliasimos recently published a collaborative report with @taratan and others on the progress of cryptocurrency adoption in 2019! #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp @coinmetrics @DAR_crypto Jesse Peltan is CTO at @HODLranch. @Jesse_HODLRanch is building a low-cost data centre in West Texas for commercial-scale Bitcoin mining using renewable power! #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp @coinmetrics @DAR_crypto João Almeida is CTO and Co-Founder at @OpenNodeCo. @joaodealmeida94 works to bridge the gap between #Bitcoin and the rest of the world by providing infrastructure to help developers build on top of the Lightning Network. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp @coinmetrics Patrick Murck is CLO at @TPFinSys and an affiliate with the @BKCHarvard at Harvard University. @virtuallylaw was previously Special Counsel at Cooley and a co-founder of the #Bitcoin Foundation. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp @coinmetrics @TPFinSys Brad Koeppen is Head of Business Development and Trading at @CMTDigitalLtd. @koeppen_brad has been working on structuring, modeling, and pricing #Bitcoin difficulty swaps and was a key person on CMT's US equities HFT team. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp @coinmetrics @TPFinSys Lindsay Lin is counsel at @StellarOrg. @LindsayxLin provides product, business, and operations advice to help her team navigate the legal and regulatory implications of their software, marketing and business development! #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp @coinmetrics @TPFinSys Bastien Teinturier is a software engineer at @acinq_co. @realtbast is #BuildingTheStack by working on the Lightning Network specification and ACINQ's implementation: Eclair. #MITBitcoinExpo
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp @coinmetrics @TPFinSys Galen Moore is a researcher at @CoinDeskData, focused on developing analysis for crypto asset investors. @galenmoore previously founded Token Report, an investor newsletter and database tracking global token issuance. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp @coinmetrics @TPFinSys Ada Kokoshi is Digital Assets Lead at @StateStreet. @adakokoshi focuses on building business models on custody, trading and asset servicing products for digital assets. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
@goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcrypto @lightning @vallywal @ChaincodeLabs @carl_dong @Blockstream @MIT_CSAIL @qqliu9 @IMFNews @sonjadav @Ethan_Heilman @CasaHODL @StacieWaleyko @summa_one @crosschaingroup @_prestwich @DigitalAssets @riabhutoria @ResearchCircle @bitrefill @BitcoinErrorLog @xapo @amizi @techreview @mike_orcutt @FCATalyst @_amanda_fab @jfnewbery @bitcoinoptech @neha @dglab_official @jamesob @IDEOVC @ideocolab @taratan @lopp @coinmetrics Manasi Vora is Head of Product Strategy at @SiaTechHQ. @manasilvora leads product and growth at Sia. She is the Founder of @BlockchainGirls and was the Director of MIT Bitcoin Expo last year. #MITBitcoinExpo #BuildingTheStack
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