PumpaSaurusRexx 🦖 Profile picture
I live for Macro trends. I’ve traded Fractals, Ranges, BTC and Shitcoins since 2017. 🦖

Feb 5, 2020, 24 tweets

Anyone else feel a bit nauseous when they see this?

$AMZN 1999-2010
$BTC 2017-2021

Just for the record, I'm not Macro bearish, but this fractal makes me 🤮 a little.

If this plays out... #Bitcoin

#AMZN vs #BTC Fractal Update:

There are very few people who believe these levels are even possible (~5.5k). 'Max pain scenario' and all that.

I'm trading the chart as I see it, not by this Fractal, just keeping eyes on. 👀

#AMZN vs #BTC Fractal Update:

This might be the only chart you ever need.

Looking for ~5.7-6.1k

#AMZN vs #BTC Fractal Update:

Who hit the fast forward button? 😂

-Target hit (Exceeded by ~$200)
-Next Pivot Target ~$17,250 Sep 2020

#AMZN vs #BTC Fractal Update:

Everything is fine. Honest. 😂


#AMZN vs #BTC Fractal Update:

Everything is still fine.... If you remove all narratives 😬

#AMZN vs #BTC Fractal Update:

I can't believe this is still alive given the ongoing global catastophe but it is what it is.

Any HTF closes and consolidation above 7.4k warrants a Long on any retest of ~7.2k target ~8.5k.

Long way to go yet but 👀s on.

#AMZN vs #BTC Fractal Update:

Didn't get my 7.2k retest but wow what a rip. Bottom's in imo, fractal has played out beautifully.

I think we range here below EQ for a while, looking to short down to 8k and load up the longs for a moon shot.

$17k by August.

#BTC **(Assuming the Fractal continues to play out)**

Fractals work, until they dont.

#BTC big rejection at $9500. Still think we range around EQ for a while before heading lower to tap demand at $7850-$8150.

#BTC extended the move further than I thought but when you use Log Fib its a perfect hit of 0.62 same as #AMZN. Fractal continuation requires some re-accumulation at these levels here. Significant closes below ~$7850 are bad.

#BTC vs #AMZN - Could be distribution, my money's on re-accumulation. Lows of this consolidation range got run 10th May, also looks similar to Jun19 PA.

I filled a swing Long at the 1D demand ~8673. Liquidity is taken imo, either we go up from here, or I'll Long an SFP of 8088.

#BTC vs #AMZN - Let's Fucking GO!

#BTC vs #AMZN - 😅 🚀

#BTC vs #AMZN - Who would have thought it eh?

Run the ATH to 45k, dump it to 24k, Long the shit out of it.

Target Sir? 💯

/1 #BTC vs #AMZN - Feels like the right time to close off this thread given the Fractal has now diverged enough to not have any real accuracy.

This Fractal alone has earned me and my friends more $ than anything else, it's my system, and it really works for me .....

2/ Find your own system and stick to it, regardless of what people think!

Looking at the macro trend, doesn't seem to me like it's ending anytime soon. Still surprises me when people say it's too late to buy #BTC when you can easily see a 10x from here (50k)....

3/ If you believe in #Bitcoin mass adoption then just like #AMZN this is the likely path, somewhat in line with @danheld Supercycle.

Thanks for playing. 🖖🏽


I kinda closed off this thread really but I've had loads of requests to update it.

I took some time this morning to have a look for the first time in about 6 months.

Here's my take on it FWIW:


Here's the bearish alternative, this is not pretty and not something I expect, but it's good to have a plan.

-RSI made LL and is bear on 3D
-If price closes below weekly pivot we head to RL
-RL breakdown could lead to capitulation
-8k 😅



Can't stop looking at this tbh.



1M on and this isn't looking any prettier.

-Cleaned up the chart to focus on the relevant PA
-RSI & PA continuing to follow Fractal, only real divergence is the failed HH

Pick your narrative for a Black Swan, Deltacron, Russia/Ukraine?



Very few people believe a move like this is even possible.

If it's going to happen, here's the 3 steps to $7.5k

-3D close below 'Must Hold' = $29k
-Lose $29k = Inefficiency to $12k
-$12k = Lows before expansion likely get swept.


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