Julia Duchesne Profile picture
Writer looking for stories about people and the land. Emergency comms @YukonPS. MSc @ecioxford, MJ @RyersonU. Settler. Bi. She/her.

Feb 8, 2020, 8 tweets

People have blocked a rail line in Toronto's west end. "No water, no peace." "How do you spell racist? R-C-M-P" are the chants in support of Wet'suwet'en.
#cdnpoli #Wetsuweten

A train is halted in the distance at this action for Wet'suwet'en in west Toronto.
Chants include:
"No justice, no peace, no racist police."
"When Indigenous rights are under attack, what do we do? Stand up! Fight back!"

#Wetsuweten #cdnpoli

The people holding the rail line are shouting "Coastal GasLink, back the fuck down! The lands not yours - not then not now!"
They are also calling on @JustinTrudeau and @jjhorgan to "back the fuck down". #Wetsuweten #cdnpoli

The chant leader is now saying they plan to hold the rail line for a while and want participants to know this is an arrestable offence. "We believe Indigenous self-determination is the greatest threat to the Canadian state."
#Wetsuweten #cdnpoli

Helen White Wolf of @IdleNoMoreTO now speaking. "We know how to govern ourselves."

#Wetsuweten #cdnpoli

Chants now "When justice fails, block the rails" and "Shut down Canada". Rails have been held since 11.36am EST with a train on the line here in west Toronto.

#Wetsuweten #cdnpoli

Police presence includes 7 officers, 3 cars, and a van.
A train is still blocked here in west Toronto.
#Wetsuweten #cdnpoli

A circle for ceremony has been formed on the rails. "It's important that Indigenous people feel protected at a time when we are holding ceremony," says one of the people in the circle, whether that ceremony is on the land or on the rails.

#Wetsuweten #cdnpoli

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