Xinqi Su 蘇昕琪 Profile picture
@AFP HK correspondent / reach via / Tweets are my own / RT not endorsement

Feb 16, 2020, 18 tweets

This session named Panic Message 驚方信息(playing a Canto homophonic pun with 警方信息 Police Message) from RTHK's revue Headliner on Feb 14 begot a complaint letter from HK Police's PR head Kwok Ka-chuen on Feb 15.…

In the letter to head of RTHK, or HK's commissioner of broadcast, Kwok expressed "extreme regret" at the session, which he said "smeared" the force, "completely ignored" their efforts in fighting the epidemic, and "deliberately created division among government departments“.

Since Headliner does not have English subtitles, I will try to transcribe the session of Panic Message in this #thread, which was performed by Wong He, a policeman-turned actor and a vocal critic of HK police in #HKProtests in 2019.

Jumping out from a large trash bin, Wong He said, "Welcome to the Panic Message, I am Chung Yung Yee". The name came from the police's new motto 忠(loyal)誠(honest)勇(brave)毅(persevering) and omitted "honest". Wong read the name in broken Putonghua.

"In the year of Geng Zi (2019), when the China Wuhan Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia sweeps the whole world, I am meeting you for the first time. I wish you a job that gives you good health and allows you to do whatever you want," Wong said.

VO: Are you kidding me? That’s impossible!
Wong: "How can it be impossible? In face of known risks, we are entitled to keep a distance of half a cruise ship from it. It means that if I say “hello” in such a volume to the ambulances there, they can’t hear me. Hello…."

Wong: "When we are in face of unknown risks, each of our colleagues can wear this suit that can protect us from attack of biochemical weapons. This suit, many medical staff in Wuhan may have not even got a touch of. "

Wong:"Moreover, the fire fighters and the Civil Aid Service are guarding the quarantine camps and handling emergencies. The social workers are sending daily necessities there. And monitoring people under mandatory quarantine by phone has been tasked on student volunteers."

Both played by Wong.
Uncle Chan under mandatory quarantine: "Hello?"
Student volunteer: "Uncle Chan, where are you?"
S:"Why is it so noisy?"
C:"None of your business."
S:"Are you wearing a mask?"
C:(muffled) "Yes."
S:"Please go home quickly."
C:"I know. Bye."

Wong:"Now foot patrol has been cancelled, which reduced our chance of exposing in the air on duty to nearly zero. This will not only effectively protect us from the epidemic, but also protect us from ageing."

Wong:”Moreover, the latest bargain is available now! You can use a government car for personal shopping or delivery when you are on duty. “

Wong:"After work, without the helmet, goggle, gas mask, body armour, extendable baton, pepper spray, .38 revolver, self-loading pistol, Remington, AR15 etc and the water cannon, will it be unsafe to dine outside? "

Wong:"Don’t worry. The kind-hearted citizens eating in the next room will protect you! Join us now!"

Wong:"Before we say goodbye I would like to bring to your attention that, in the past few months, there were some groups of people, who were suspected of, or might have, pretended to be us. They followed our usual ways... enter a room and conduct search after obtaining the victims' trust. The victims eventually suffered financial loss ranging from a few tens of thousands to HKD210,000. Please be careful! See you next time!"
Wong got back into the trash bin and closed the lid from inside.

In response to police complaint, an RTHK spokesperson said they understood difficulties facing different departments but Headliner has its own view and it has always been reflecting realities and opinions in the society in its ironic and invective way.…

Wong He told @mingpaocom that the one writing the complaint letter on behalf of police has "no official title, no official number and no HKID number" and he would not comment on a letter from "nobody".…

#LATEST former HK leader Leung Chun-ying suggested the government to fire head of RTHK and the police to sue him for allowing its programme Headliner to slander the force.

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