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Capitol Hill Correspondent @NewsNation • Metro-Detroit • Proudly Lebanese 🇱🇧 • @ColumbiaJourn • #Sparty @ShirinRajaee’s Husband & Selma’s Dad :) Stay Hungry!

Feb 27, 2020, 13 tweets

Speaker Nancy Pelosi addressing the media on #coronavirus this morning #NexstarDC

Pelosi just took a shot at Secretary Azar for suggesting private sector will develop a vaccine for #coronavirus -said he was “wearing his Pharma hat” #NexstarDC

Pelosi also questioned Mike Pence’s fitness to lead the effort to combat #Coronavirus. She brought up his time as Governor of Indiana and says he has a record of cutting state medical funding #NexstarDC

Pelosi says leadership in Congress will approach #coronavirus with “respect for science and evidence-based decision making” #NexstarDC

On the 2020 election, Pelosi says the three most important issues are “Health care, health care, health care...we have made a decision to win, no friction, stay on the path to victory.” -#NexstarDC

“Whoever wins will have our wholehearted support.” Pelosi in response to a question about #BernieSanders, and whether his platform, clearly different from what Pelosi calls mainstream, will vibe with the majority of her members. #NexstarDC

“This is no time for politics...diseases know no party lines.” -@GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy on #coronavirus

“They’d rather attack the president...than solve the crisis.” McCarthy again on #Coronavirus. Pretty clear at this point from Pelosi and McCarthy the partisanship over coronavirus response will continue at least in the short term

McCarthy invokes #Castro health system in Cuba as he invokes #BernieSanders. “The American people deserve more.” #coronavirus

@GOPLeader McCarthy says the world would have been safer had Chinese gov. allowed int’l medical professionals, CDC, into affected areas earlier. #NexstarDC

On most recent #Coronavirus case in CA, doctors suspected the patient had the virus but couldn’t test it bc the CDC had requirements (i.e. travel to China, exposure to a traveler, etc.) that were NOT met. McCarthy says admin. looking at changing those requirements #NexstarDC

In a few minutes the leaders of the Centers for Disease Control will appear before a Foreign Affairs subcommittee to discuss #CoronavirusUpdates #Coronavirus -we’re behind bc a source tells me CDC Director ran late in a WH meeting #NexstarDC

I’m slightly under the weather today. I just coughed in the hearing room where we’re about to have a CDC #coronavirus update, and like 7 ppl looked at me suspiciously 🤧

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