Zweli Mkhize Profile picture
MP | NEC Member | Former Minister of Health | Former Minister of Cogta | Former Kwazulu-Natal Premier | Former Treasurer-General | Former KZN Chairman

Feb 29, 2020, 17 tweets

Arrival at Bekezela Primary School for the Teenage Pregnancy Awareness Campaign and Maxima Female Condom Launch. Received by MEC Health: Free State Ms Tsiu #SRHAwareness #MaximaLaunch @HealthZA

On a walkabout of the services being offered today, among them are HIV testing, TB screening and counseling #SRHAwareness #MaximaLaunch

Eye care services also available as an NHI Pilot Project and further information available on NHI #SRHAwareness #MaximaLaunch #NHINow @NationalNhi @HealthZA

Know your condom Do’s and Don’ts #SRHAwareness #MaximaLaunch @HealthZA @fs_health

The Teenage Pregnancy Campaign Programme has now commenced @HealthZA @fs_health #SRHAwareness #MaximaLaunch

Dr Owens Kaluwa @WHOSouthAfrica representative now takes the podium sharing the statistics of Teenage pregnancies not only in Africa, but globally too. #SRHAwareness #MaximaLaunch #NHINow @fs_health @HealthZA

The Teenagers join in the musical item on the programme #SRHAwareness #MaximaLaunch @fs_health @HealthZA

No one should be discriminated against #SRHAwareness #NHINow @NationalNhi @HealthZA @fs_health

#ZweliMkhize: We want to appeal to the parents and older siblings to assist young people and help them to understand their sexuality #SRHAwareness

#ZweliMkhize: We want young people to be able to enjoy their youth. It is difficult to be young and raise children, before you have completed your studies

#ZweliMkhize: We are very concerned about the high rate of teenage pregnancies. We need to be able to communicate with the youth, to engage them on these topics and ensure that their is support for them #SRHAwareness #NHINow @fs_health @HealthZA

#ZweliMkhize: The statistics indicate that young people are engaging in sexual activity at a very young age. We need to encourage learning. Children cannot be parents to children #SRHAwareness #NHINow @fs_health @HealthZA

#ZweliMkhize: Having Sex once, can make you fall pregnant, you can also contract HIV or an STD from just having sex once. #SRHAwareness @HealthZA @fs_health

#ZweliMkhize: Those that are sexually active need to have protected sex.This is for protection against infection and to prevent unwanted pregnancies. It is also important to have one partner #SRHAwareness @HealthZA

#ZweliMkhize: No woman is the property of a man. A No means NO. Forcing yourself on someone is unacceptable. Therefore it is important for men to set an example for young boys #SRHAwareness @HealthZA @fs_health

Wearing a condom does not cause any problems. Here are Maxima female condoms, whether the female or the male wears a condom, There is no excuse not to wear a condom.#SRHAwareness #MaximaLaunch @fs_health @HealthZA

Knowing your status is imperative. Talking to someone helps, do not be afraid #SRHAwareness @HealthZA @fs_health

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