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May 17th 2021
[Thread] 1. How does the government decide who gets a vaccination appointment first? It’s first in, first out. So the earlier you register on the EVDS within the category you fall, the sooner you’ll get an sms with a date, time and place.
2. NB to note: You can only register when @HealthZA
tells you to. If you’re not a #HealthWorker or person of 60+, it wouldn’t help to register now. If you live in a crowded setting/you’re 40+, you’ll be the next categories asked to register.
3. Where do comorbidities fit in? For now, you can't get earlier access to jabs if you have a comorbidity. Age and your likelihood of getting infected is used to determine who comes 1st. That’s why we’re starting off with #HealthWorkers and people of 60+.
Read 8 tweets
May 16th 2021
[Thread] 1. When will our next batch of #Pfizer jabs arrive? At midnight (Sunday): 325 260 doses. How many doses will we have then? 975 780 doses (tonight's batch will first have to get checked by the National Control Lab in Bloemfontein for quality).
2. When will the remaining 700 000 #HealthWorkers not covered by #Sisonke all be vaccinated by? By the end of this week, #ZweliMkhize said tonight (only 1st doses can be given this week - Pfizer needs 2 doses. To vaccinate 700 000 means we need those doses at sites this week).
3. Who will get sms's for #vaccination appointments this week? 7 707 #HealthWorkers and 4 288 citizens of 60 years and older.
Read 6 tweets
May 16th 2021
[Thread] 1. #ZweliMkhize: The Sisonke programme is now finished. 478 733 doses of 500 000 doses were used. The leftover doses will be used by the SAMRC to conduct studies (HIV, people with comorbidities, pregnant women, etc). The doses can't be used for Phase 2.
2. #ZweliMkhize: We will receive another just over 300 000 #Pfizer doses by tomorrow morning. This will bring our total number of #Pfizer doses to 975 780.
3. #ZweliMkhize: We will have vaccinated 5 million people by the end of June, provided that the vaccine supply flow as anticipated. By the end of June we will have 4.5 million #PFizer doses and 2.2 #JandJ doses.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 16th 2021
[Thread] 1. People in South Africa who are 60 years and older can register on the government's electronic vaccination system from 4pm today (it was announced at a press briefing this morning).
2. At this stage, the system will only allow you to register and not yet allocate you a site or date to get vaccinated at (because a vaccination date depends on when our first batch of vaccines arrives and when Sahpra makes an announcement about the resuming of J&J's roll-out).
3. #ZweliMkhize: What do you need to register online? Internet access (smart phone, tablet, computer), an ID or passport, a cell phone number (so the system can send you text messages re appointments) and if you have a medical aid, your med aid number/card.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 13th 2021
[Thread] 1. #ZweliMkhize says there is no evidence that J&J is linked to blood clots. SA is pausing its roll-out as a precautionary measure to find out if there is something to be concerned about before we proceed.
2. Helen Rees (Sahpra's chair): Vaccine safety is always at the top of our list. In the case J&J, the nr of blood clot cases is very low: 6 cases out of almost 7 million vaccinated people in the US. We need to find out if the cases are accidental or linked to the jab.
3. Helen Rees: This process is called a causality assessment. It's normal to do with new jabs. Why? In trials, jabs are tested on 1000s of people. When you roll them out, millions of people get them. So there's a chance for side effects you didn't see in the trial to occur.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 13th 2021
[Thread] 1.#ZweliMkhize: SA's decision to pause its J&J roll-out is not a knee-jerk reaction. It's a precautionary measure. I have consulted the SAMRC, the ethics committees that oversee the Sisonke study, the MAC and @SAHPRA1 about this decision.
2. #ZweliMkhize: The feeling of all the bodies I have consulted with has been that because this announcement came from the FDA, we would need to collate as much info as possible before we continue with our own roll-out.
3. #ZweliMkhize: SA's first batch of 1 million J&J jabs will arrive next week. The pausing of our J&J roll-out won't have a significant impact - we're hoping it will only be for a few days until we have enough information.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 8th 2021
[Thread] 1. VACCINE ARRIVAL UPDATES: According to #ZweliMkhize, J&J has confirmed that just over 1 mil #CovidVaccines will be delivered to SA between 22 + 24 April. They will all come from the local Aspen plant (previously we only knew they'd arrive in the 3rd/4th wk of April).
2. #ZweliMkhize: The 2nd and 3rd J&J #CovidVaccine batches in May and June (900 000 per month) will come from Belgium (the first batch will come from Aspen in SA), so delivery will be more complex. We'll get an exact delivery date within the next 2 weeks.
3. #Pfizer 1st batch of #CovidVaccines is likely to arrive in April. Next week, Pfizer will tell SA how many doses + also a specific delivery date (if there are no payment glitches). #ZweliMkhize previously said we'll get 5.5 million doses between April + June.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 6th 2021
[Thread] 1. The two jabs — #JohnsonandJohnson and #Pfizer — that SA will (so far) use in its national #CovidVaccine roll-out have now both been approved for use by our regulator, @SAHPRA1. So what now — when will you get your jab?
2. The next batch of J&J jabs (200 000) will arrive on 10 April. But these #CovidVaccines are for use in SA's Sisonke trial (our implementation study) and only #HealthWorkers can be vaccinated with them. They can’t be used for our wider, national roll-out.
3. Our 1st commercial batch — 1 million J&J jabs — will land in the 3rd/4th wk of April. The diffs between this batch + the Sisonke jabs: we’re paying for this batch + can use it outside of a research setting. The Sisonke jabs came for free but we can only use them for the study.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
Dates for #COVIDVaccine arrivals - #ZweliMkhize on SABC2 this morning:
* J&J: 1 million in 3rd or 4th week of April, 0.9 million in May, 0.9 million in June, 9 million in July.
* Pfizer: 5.5 million for Q2 (April to June) + 1.25 million from #COVAX. But no exact dates. 1/3
#ZweliMkhize re @SAHPRA1 approval for J&J on SABC 2: "As far as we're concerned that approval was given a day or so ago, they're just finalising things...The issue is not approval, the issue is availability of vaccines."2/3
#ZweliMkhize on vaccination phases on SABC: Phase 1 (health workers) should end on May 17. The start of Phase 2 will overlap with Phase 1 if we get enough vaccines in time. 3/3
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Mar 31st 2021
[Thread] 1. SA’s commercial #CovidVaccine roll-out will start in April, the government says. Which jabs will we use? For now, J&J (the same jabs used in the Sisonke implementation study) and Pfizer. We will also consider Moderna, but no deals yet.
2. Why are we using J&J + Pfizer? SA trials showed J&J works well against the new variant, #501YV2. Pfizer hasn’t been tested in SA, but lab tests suggest it has reduced efficacy @ 501Y.V2. But because the efficacy is high (95%), even the reduced efficacy will provide protection.
3. Have the jabs been approved for commercial use in SA? Pfizer received emergency use authorisation (called Section 21 approval in SA) in March. J&J has not yet been approved (only for research), but on Monday @SAHPRA1 said an announcement will be made “within the next days”.
Read 12 tweets
Feb 1st 2021
[Thread] 1. What will happen to our #CovidVaccines when they land today? @PresidencyZA says the 1 million #AstraZeneca jabs will arrive at OR Tambo at 3pm. They’ll be received by #CyrilRampahosa, #ZweliMkhize + the Indian High Commissioner, amongst others.
2. The pallets of #CovidVaccines will then go through customs and be transported to a temperature-controlled Biovac warehouse in Johannesburg. Biovac is the pharmaceutical company that will handle the logistics of today's consignment of #CovidVaccines.
3. Each #CovidVaccine box of vials has a temperature monitoring device that keeps a record of the jabs’ temperature at all times during the trip. A vial contains 10 doses of vaccine (with each dose to be extracted by syringe at the time of vaccination).
Read 16 tweets
Jul 10th 2020
#ZweliMkhize: The surge is upon us. We are here to see the level of preparations. Gauteng has surged to be the province with the highest number. This is not surprising. We have to be vigilant.#TshwaneVisit
#ZweliMkhize: There is going to be lots of pressure on hospitals and beds. The pattern taken by the spread of the disease has meant we have had to make some changes to our strategy.#TshwaneVisit
#ZweliMkhize: Triage centres which are marquees allow us to seperate #COVID19 positive patients from those who are negative.
Read 22 tweets
Jul 8th 2020
#ZweliMkhize:We salute you as healthcare workers, we do appreciate you and your contribution to the nation #Parliament08July
#ZweliMkhize: Model projections indicate that while the epidemic is predicted to peak nationally at a similar time to the previously projected optimistic curve (that is mid-August), it does so at a lower level.#Parliament08July
#ZweliMkhize This means that fewer people were infected in May and June than was previously predicted even under the optimistic scenario.#Parliament08July
Read 8 tweets
Mar 20th 2020
Minister Zweli Mkhize accompanied by Premier Ntombela & Health MEC Ms Tsiu of the Free State, at Brandwag Primary School where they are meeting school’s principal, staff and parents. ImageImage
ZweliMkhize: If the children are positive for #Coronavirus then the other children in the class need to be tested too. #BrandwagPrimary #CoronaVirusUpdate
ZweliMkhize: If you test positive for #Coronavirus there is no cure. You can however treat the symptoms #BrandwagPrimary #CoronavirusUpdates
Read 10 tweets
Mar 17th 2020
Attendees of the #COVID19 Clinical Preparedness Meeting being briefed by Health Minister, Dr Zweli Mkhize on establishing common protocol in tackling Covid19. #CoronaVirusUpdates Image
Outlining the challenges that lie ahead in tackling #Covid19 - contact tracing, quarantine & stocks. #CoronaVirusUpdates Image
#ZweliMkhize: No professional must be inconvenienced. All measures will be in place to ensure that anyone who refuses quarantine,will face the law. #COVID19 #CoronaVirusUpdates Image
Read 7 tweets
Mar 12th 2020
#ZweliMkhize: There were 17 confirmed cases of the virus we reported this morning.
But we have subsequently found that the Free State case which initially tested positive earlier, we have subsequently found is negative.
#ZweliMkhize: An initial test which indicated a positive result has turned out to be negative.#IMTTCoronavirusbriefing
#ZweliMkhize: 14 students from Limpopo who travelled to China recently have tested negative for the virus. We took the necessary precautions by testing them. They did not test positive. Those students have not been infected. #IMTTCoronavirusbriefing
Read 10 tweets
Mar 10th 2020
The President, @CyrilRamaphosa conducting a walk about at OR Tambo Internatonial Airport Image
Inspecting the Port Health Clinic. This is where travelers displaying symptoms, will be brought to if displaying symptoms on arrival at O.R Tambo International Airport. Image
President @CyrilRamaphosa and Minister #ZweliMkhize disposing of their PPE in the correct waste bin at O.R Tambo International Airport
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Mar 6th 2020
Q and A with media : Minister #ZweliMkhize : No travel ban. It’s not effective. We need people to know that THEY are part of the solution
I know we have to answer questions but it’s a challenge when we put our plan on the table , it’s a challenge
If you are not going to trust our information, then you must present us with your sources of counter information so that we can engage on an equal footing
Read 4 tweets
Mar 1st 2020
#ZweliMkhize: As at 26 February 121 people have been tested for Coronavirus and all the results were negative #COVID19
ZweliMkhize: We must commend DIRCO and the embassy staff as well as Chinese authorities for assisting to locate our citizens in China #COVID19
#ZweliMkhize: We gave a directive that every citizen must be frequently contacted directly personally and their concerns recorded. This has enabled government to properly evaluate their needs. #COVID19
Read 27 tweets
Feb 29th 2020
Arrival at Bekezela Primary School for the Teenage Pregnancy Awareness Campaign and Maxima Female Condom Launch. Received by MEC Health: Free State Ms Tsiu #SRHAwareness #MaximaLaunch @HealthZA Image
On a walkabout of the services being offered today, among them are HIV testing, TB screening and counseling #SRHAwareness #MaximaLaunch ImageImageImage
Eye care services also available as an NHI Pilot Project and further information available on NHI #SRHAwareness #MaximaLaunch #NHINow @NationalNhi @HealthZA ImageImageImageImage
Read 17 tweets
Feb 28th 2020
Minister #ZweliMkhize has arrived at the #COSAS eThekwini Regional programme at Vukuzakhe High School at Umlazi, L Section Image
Minister #ZweliMkhize was received by the Vukuzakhe High School Principal, Ms Fulela and the BBC President, Mr Sandile Zungu. ImageImageImage
Minister #ZweliMkhize addressing the #COSAS eThekwini Regional programme at Vukuzakhe High School at Umlazi this afternoon. ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jan 9th 2020
#Earlier #ANCNECMember Dr #ZweliMkhize joined #ANCSG #AceMagashule at a briefing session in Jan Kemp Municipal Chamber. Thereafter, #ANCSG briefed the media. #ANC108 Image
#ANCNECMember Dr #ZweliMkhize joins #ANCSG #AceMagashule at door-to-door visits in Guldenskat Informal Settlement, NC. #ANC108 #ANCNC2020 ImageImageImage
#ANCNECMember Dr #ZweliMkhize introduces the #ANCSG #AceMagashule at the community meeting in Jan Kemp #ANC108 #ANCNC2020 ImageImageImageImage
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Jan 8th 2020
#ANCNECMembers Drs #ZweliMkhize and #BladeNzimande have arrived for the briefing session for the ANC Moses Mabhida Region Wreath-laying ceremonies #ANC108 ImageImageImage
#ANCNECMembers Drs #ZweliMkhize and #BladeNzimande will lay wreaths at the grave sites of the late President Josiah Gumede, Cde Harry Gwala, Cde Moses Mabhida and Cde Jabu Ndlovu as part of #ANC108
#ANCNECMembers Drs #ZweliMkhize and #BladeNzimande have layed wreaths at the grave site of the late Cde Harry Gwala, kwaSwayimane #ANC108 ImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Nov 12th 2018
The 13th National Municipal Managers Forum is underway in @City_Ekurhuleni, Minister #ZweliMkhize rises to deliver a keynote address. It's a #Thread
Thank you for inviting me to this 13th National Municipal Managers Forum. #SALGA13NMMF
This meeting follows the successful hosting of the 12th National Municipal Managers Forum at the Mbombela City Local Municipality in February 2018. #SALGA13NMMF
Read 49 tweets

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