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Capitol Hill Correspondent @NewsNation • Metro-Detroit • Proudly Lebanese 🇱🇧 • @ColumbiaJourn • #Sparty @ShirinRajaee’s Husband & Selma’s Dad :) Stay Hungry!

Mar 13, 2020, 15 tweets

When Pres. Obama declared a National Emergency in allowed gov to "temporarily waive or modify certain requirements of the Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance programs... throughout the duration of the public health emergency in response to H1N1"

Awaiting a major announcement from President Trump at 3:00 from the White House Rose Garden. He’ll be addressing the #CoronavirusOutbreak #NexstarDC

Running a few minutes behind here. POTUS coming out to address the country any minute now -the expectation is that he’s going to declare a national emergency for the #Coronavirus #nexstarDC

A declaration of a national emergency would free up more pools of federal funding to combat the #Coronavirus and it would lessen federal regulations on states for programs like Medicaid and Medicare. #NexstarDC

On a practical level if there are limits within a state for how much in Medicaid funding can go toward covering patients, or limits on how many hospital beds are reserved for Medicaid patients-those restrictions can be waived under National Emergency Act #NexstarDC #coronavirus

A #NationalEmergency declaration also means money congress already allocated for FEMA, disaster response can now be used to help states stop the spread of the #Coronavirus #NexstarDC

Still an empty podium. Don’t they know we got 5:00pm deadlines!

President Trump takes to the podium in the Rose Garden #coronavirus #nexstarDC

President says #NationalEmergency will free up $50 billion in funding to combat the #coronavirus #NexstarDC

President Trump said 1.4 million #coronavirus tests should be available next week, 5 million within a month but says “I doubt we’ll need that.” #NexstarDC

“We don’t want everybody taking this test, it’s totally unnecessary.” President Trump said twice in his address if someone doesn’t require a test, they shouldn’t be getting one. #Coronavirus #NexstarDC

President invites executives from some of the nations largest retail/drug stores (Target, Walmart, Walgreens) to speak, he met with them before this address to the nation on #coronavirus

“This day should be an inspiration to every American.” -Vice President Pence, says the response has been decisive #Coronavirus #NexstarDC

VP Pence says soon Americans will be able to go through drive in sites to get tested for #Coronavirus #NexstarDC

President doubles down on aid for loans for small businesses in relief package for #coronavirus #NexstarDC

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