Jelena Jansson Profile picture
building some tech ✌️ one hit wonder.

Mar 24, 2020, 10 tweets

We are using this quarantine lockdown to do a #Hackathon! Shifting gears & building something completely new, for fun.

👉 Challenge: We want to push a new app out in the next three weeks.

No-contact pizza happened. Day 1 of quarantine & #hackaton almost done. We have a concept, first screens, backend & first functionalities running. ☺️

We want to make a FUN app for this #quarantinehackathon where peoplecan go get saucy with eachother during this social distancing. We are playing on “how to get closer” ideas.

As we continue on our quarantine #hackathon here is a research question for the public.🥰
Have you EVER posted a “thirst trap” (low-key sexy photo) to your socials?

If the answer is no, what has stopped you from doing it?

To help you assess if you ever made a thirsty type of pic, here is a Merriam Webster dictionary explanation:…

Quarantine #hackathon continues. Man, my head hurts from all this world stress.Using this side-project to escape it all. This weekend we will put in some hours into code. It’s a silly project. Find silly projects to “la vita e bella” yourself into some state of coping. Stay safe.

How is everyone doing today?

We are back knocking out this #hackathon project. It’s such a heavy time currently, we figure we can create a fun space for people to escape the current fuckary #2020 turned out to be. #startups stay safe.

Coding through #quarantine.

Wash your hands & stay safe. ❤️

Late night tweaks to our #hackathon quarantine side project. What did we learn?
- creating & reusing platform is awesome
- the more we do this the faster we get
- we can create range of products
- everything takes time 😂

As we power on, here is a quick sketch preview of design work on our #hackathon quarantine project ThirstTrapApp. My part is 99% done, Vic is programming as fast as possible. I can't wait to see what people do with it.

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