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Apr 12, 2020, 7 tweets

If Coronavirus Existed During the Times of Jesus Christ...

Imagine if there was an outbreak of the COVID-19 during the first coming of Jesus Christ...


#HappyEaster #Easter

Delivery companies like @GokadaNG and @DeliveryKwik would have had hard times delivering 2 fishes and 5 loaves to the homes of the 5,000 masses

#HappyEaster #Easter

The Centurion whose servant was healed by Jesus would have headed a COVID-19 task force after insisting Jesus didn't need to come to his house to heal his servant.

#HappyEaster #Easter

Jesus' critics (read Twitter influencers) would have come for Jesus for attending a wedding.

#HappyEaster #Easter

The Triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem would have been live streamed

#HappyEaster #Easter

Judas would have #stayedhome, and Jesus might not have been crucified

#HappyEaster #EasterSunday

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#HappyEaster to everyone!

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