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Capitol Hill Correspondent @NewsNation • Metro-Detroit • Proudly Lebanese 🇱🇧 • @ColumbiaJourn • #Sparty @ShirinRajaee’s Husband & Selma’s Dad :) Stay Hungry!

Apr 14, 2020, 6 tweets

Defense Secretary Mark Esper giving an update on from the Pentagon on DODs role in #coronavirus response

Waiting to see if Defense Secy Esper addresses CAPT Crozier, who was dismissed as commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, following his handling of a #coronavirus outbreak. Congressional sources I’ve talked to say some lawmakers want Crozier reinstated #NexstarDC

Crozier’s dismissal was done on the grounds that he didn’t follow proper chain of command in his requests for help after #coronavirus ravaged his aircraft carrier -about 600 cases of sailors getting sick, one died from #COVID19

UPDATE- Defense Secretary Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Milley both got questions about CAPT Crozier, but both declined to comment. #Coronavirus #USSRoosevelt

Congressman @RepGaramendi however did comment -he's strongly in favor of reinstating CAPT Crozier as commander of the #USSRoosevelt. He says there are other members of the House Armed Services Committee who share his views- Here's part of our interview #Coronavirus #NexstarDC

"The ship is in disarray. The morale of the ship is shot, and clearly this captain was highly regarded by his crew...if he were to come back...the morale would rise, and they could get their infection under control and get back at sea." @RepGaramendi #USSRoosevelt #coronavirus

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