Rep. Pramila Jayapal Profile picture
Congresswoman, lifelong organizer, mom. Proudly serving WA-07. Chair of @USProgressives, Member of @HouseJudiciary, @EdWorkforceDems. She/her.

Apr 20, 2020, 16 tweets

Over 22 million people have lost their jobs in the last month. Congress must act NOW to stanch mass unemployment with solutions that meet the scale of the crisis. My #PaycheckGuaranteeAct has earned broad support from economists, labor leaders & elected officials. Thread ⬇️

I'm thrilled to have earned the support of the immediate past chair of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen for my #PaycheckGuaranteeAct:

Former Fed Vice Chair, Alan Blinder, also wrote this must-read piece in the @WSJ supporting the #PaycheckGuaranteeAct.…

I'm also honored that Nobel Prize-winning economist @JosephEStiglitz has endorsed my #PaycheckGuaranteeAct proposal:

Well before we knew that 22 million Americans filed for unemployment over the last month, the @nytimes Editorial Board signaled their support for a #PaycheckGuaranteeAct.…

.@georgesoros and Oxford Professor @EricBeinhocker have also written in support of a #PaycheckGuaranteeAct.…

Former U.S. Labor Secretary @RBReich has given his strong support for a #PaycheckGuaranteeAct:

In the last few days, our nation's prominent labor leaders have also weighed in on behalf of a #PaycheckGuaranteeAct. Here's what @RichardTrumka, President of the @AFLCIO, said:

I’m also proud to have earned the support of @IAMBobMartinez, President of the @MachinstsUnion, for my #PaycheckGuaranteeAct:

Here in Congress, we are picking up new co-sponsors every day. I'm grateful to @RepAdamSchiff for his early and strong support for a #PaycheckGuaranteeAct:

House Democratic Caucus Vice Chair and progressive champion @RepKClark is on board for a #PaycheckGuaranteeAct:

I’m excited that my friend @RepJoeKennedy has joined me in the fight for a #PaycheckGuaranteeAct:

I’m grateful to @MarkWarner, @SenSanders, @SenDougJones and @SenBlumenthal for introducing a similar paycheck security proposal and will continue working closely with House and Senate colleagues to expand bicameral support for the #PaycheckGuaranteeAct…

I am so proud to announce the addition of more Congressional champions for my #PaycheckGuaranteeAct. My brilliant colleague @RepHaleyStevens recognizes that businesses need aid and fast. Proud to fight with her for the #PaycheckGuaranteeAct.

Our small businesses have been hit hard by #COVID19. @HouseSmallBiz Chair @NydiaVelasquez understands that we need solutions that meet the scale of this crisis. Excited to have her on board for the #PaycheckGuaranteeAct.

Grateful to be in the fight for the #PaycheckGuaranteeAct with my friend and our @HouseDemocrats Caucus Chairman @RepJeffries who knows mass employment is a policy choice & we can choose better.

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