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May 12th 2020
The fact that Jayapal is receiving such pushback from Dem leadership for something that is a NO-BRAINER is appalling. The #PaycheckGuaranteeAct isn’t even progressive policy, it’s just common sense.

Jayapal Clashes With Pelosi Over Her Pathetic Bill
And why tf is Pelosi demanding any house legislation have Republican support? Have you ever heard the GOP table an idea because democrats don’t like it?
This is getting beyond ludicrous. The working class of this country are being absolutely gutted and Pelosi has done squat.
Oh, pardon me, she hasn’t done squat, she has been hard at work ensuring DC lobbying firms get their taxpayer-funded paydays... I feel sick
Read 9 tweets
May 9th 2020
Here are5⃣reasons why we need the #PaycheckGuaranteeAct. Take a look and RT to agree.

1⃣It gets millions of workers who have lost their jobs off of unemployment and back on payroll—quickly getting direct support into the hands of workers. And it would be retroactive to March 1.
2⃣It would ensure workers can continue receiving health care benefits. If we fail to act, it's estimated that up to 35 million Americans will lose their health coverage because of #COVID. (That's also why we need #MedicareForAll! Health care shouldn't be tied to employment.)
3⃣It would keep businesses from closing for good while covering expenses like rent. And not just some businesses.

The program would support businesses and nonprofits of all sizes including small & minority-owned businesses—the exact businesses that have been left behind by PPP.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
Over 22 million people have lost their jobs in the last month. Congress must act NOW to stanch mass unemployment with solutions that meet the scale of the crisis. My #PaycheckGuaranteeAct has earned broad support from economists, labor leaders & elected officials. Thread ⬇️
I'm thrilled to have earned the support of the immediate past chair of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen for my #PaycheckGuaranteeAct: Image
Former Fed Vice Chair, Alan Blinder, also wrote this must-read piece in the @WSJ supporting the #PaycheckGuaranteeAct.… Image
Read 16 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
State employees are working so hard—but our existing systems are crashing & insufficient to provide immediate relief at the scale of this crisis. We MUST STOP mass unemployment & get help to ppl immediately.

My Paycheck Guarantee Act would do just that.…
22 MILLION people have filed unemployment claims in last month alone.

PPP program is right principle of trying to keep people on payroll; but inefficient, run thru banks when so many have no banking relationship & banks don’t prioritize smaller biz.

We CAN do better & we must.
We have top economists, former Fed Chair, businesses & many more telling us we have to be more expansive & streamlined in getting $$ to people immediately. More our economy goes into downward spiral, more difficult it is to recover. We need bigger, bolder ways to deliver relief.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 17th 2020
Glad that Senate Dems have a plan that aligns closely w/my #PaycheckGuaranteeAct from last week.

I've worked to earn the support of a diverse set of lawmakers, economists, unions & businesses – & look forward to working w/Senate colleagues to pass a paycheck guarantee program.
22 million Americans are unemployed & a paycheck guarantee program is the simplest & quickest way to deliver the kind of expansive & immediate relief American workers & businesses desperately need.
Mass unemployment is a policy choice & Congress must choose differently to stop the suffering.
Read 3 tweets

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