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We're a nonprofit, nonpartisan project teaching millions of Americans how to sort fact from fiction online. Run by @poynter 🤳🏾🔎

Apr 22, 2020, 7 tweets

As circumstances surrounding #covid19 change, you may start seeing more information about businesses reopening on your timeline. BE ON HIGH ALERT! As consumers of news and information AND concerned citizens, we all should know where to go to find accurate info. Here’s the deal…

Be cautious of the info you’re seeing online (per usual). Verify the validity of information before sharing it. It is in everyone’s best interest that we ALL commit to verifying the facts on social media before we drop it in a group chat, tag a friend or RT!

You might be wondering “well how do I do that?” It’s simple! If you’re looking for information about the #coronavirus itself such as how to behave, the number of cases, etc., @CDCgov and @WHO are the best, most reliable resources for this info.

If you want information about whether businesses are opening in your area, check what your local and state officials are saying. Have they done a press conference lately? Are they sending tweets with important info? Is there an email newsletter where they share updates?

In other words, GO STRAIGHT TO THE SOURCE! You don't want to take someone on social media’s word for it. Besides, the information they’re getting from their elected officials could be different than yours. What’s happening in another state may not be happening in your state.

It’s also a good idea to look for local reporting on what’s going on in your area. Check your local newspapers and TV stations. You may also want to follow their social media accounts for quicker updates.

We hope this is helpful! As always, if you see any posts online that make you go 🤨 tag us or use #IsThisLegit to get our attention and we’ll check it out. Stay safe everyone!

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