Stephen V Liu, MD Profile picture
Director of Thoracic Oncology & Developmental Therapeutics @Georgetown @LombardiCancer; Host @IASLC Podcast; Chair #DCLung24 #TexasLung25 #HereWeGo #LetsGoBucs

Apr 28, 2020, 5 tweets

#OncoAlert #AACR20 Overview of #COVID19 and cancer in patients @GustaveRoussy presented by @barlesi - 137 patients with COVID-19 also had a diagnosis of cancer. 20% breast, 15% GI, 10% lung. About 60% had active disease, 40% in follow-up / observation.

#OncoAlert #AACR20 Most common symptoms were fever (47%), cough (46%), fatigue (34%), dyspnea (33%), anosmia (10%). Worth noting that only 20% had known contact exposure and 23% were asymptomatic. Also showing their testing rates - the more you test, the more you will find!

#OncoAlert #AACR20 Radiographic changes with #COVID19 fairly common. Will need to see how these evolve with time and recovery. Outcomes to date: 25% with clinical worsening, 11% required ICU, 15% mortality (16% still hospitalized).

#OncoAlert #AACR20 Chemotherapy within the past 3 months correlated with more severe clinical course. I suspect risk will vary by specific regimen though. Added risk not really seen with targeted therapy / TKI or immunotherapy though numbers are small.

#OncoAlert #AACR20 Mortality about 15% which is comparable to general population. Patients with poor performance status at particular risk as well as those who had recently received chemotherapy. Important to monitor characteristics, correlate to outcomes as the pandemic unfolds.

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