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Bharatanatyam Artiste,Performer Founder-Acharya-Arsha Kala Bharati Life Project- GitaNatyam Born June 27

May 2, 2020, 5 tweets

#SitaJayanti #SitaNavami
Sita Devi was a divine gift to King Janaka, not born of mother's womb&daughter of the soil of Mithila. She grew with exceptional intelligence& virtues&skills at an extraordinary pace in the loving care of her foster father King Janaka.

King Janaka,a Rajarishi himself,gave way his daughter with pride to Sri Rama who won over her through his valor. Ek Patni Vratha of Sri Rama;Pativrata of Sita Devi make them inseparable.United in wedlock,love & duty centered around each other,They r full of joy like Vishnu w Sri!

Sita Devi did not come back w Hanuman from Lanka as she refused to touch any other man other than her husband.

To Agni she said - "If I am true to my husband in thought & deed, may thou act as a cooling influence on Hanuman"
That was why Fire neither burned Hanuman or Her!

"If Sita said she can hold on for only one more month without me, she has a long life Oh Hanuman, as I cannot bear to be away from her even for a second!"

Mother Sita 's Agni Pariksha sends a powerful message of her glorious fortitude and truth.

Ramayana not only shows the life history of Sri Rama
but is also called“Sitayam Charitam Mahat” the story that brings out the glory of Sita who uplifted Dharma,dignity,purpose of Sri Rama's life by making Him destroy Ravana
- even if She had all powers to do Herself!

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