Moss Robeson 🇵🇸 Profile picture
“Twitter user Moss Robeson positions himself as an independent researcher of Ukrainian fascism & Nazism … Who is behind this account is not known for certain.”

May 22, 2020, 22 tweets

#Thread re: an anti-Semitic 🇺🇦 nationalist troll @oz_uke, who in fact is named Simon Bojko, a member of the Ass'n of Ukrainians in South Australia & likely a member of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists-Bandera (OUN-B). Below are "oz_uke" comments to @ZelenskyyUa & me: /1

The first 2 screenshots are some of oz_uke's hateful comments to Eduard Dolinsky, the director of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee, including calling him a "filthy жид" ("yid"). 3rd photo is a FB comment by Simon Bojko about Dolinsky. As shall be seen, they're the same person. /2

Some of the things that made me realize they're the same person: this FB comment by Bojko that I blocked him on Twitter; I've only blocked a handful of people. They both posted this image & similar caption the same day. Oh & "simon.bojko@b******.com" is oz_uke's email address. /3

"oz_uke" has a FB account under the name "Bohdan Kravchyshyn"--we will call BK--clearly a fake profile:…. BK+Bojko are 2 of the top commenters on very pro-OUN "Ukrainian Australian Fake News Network" (UAFNN), which obsesses over me, Dolinsky, and others /4

The month UAFNN was created (1/19), so were 2 FB profiles: B.Kravchyshyn+another seemingly fake account, S.Hrynchyshyn ("SH")… --other top UAFNN commenter, likely also Bojko. BK+SH=similar user/surnames & profiles & both made prof pics @usuprun same day. /5

That BK, SH, Bojko, & UAFNN's FB comments are indistinguishable, plus everything else, makes me inclined to think that Bojko (the only verifiably real person) is behind all of it, on behalf of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Orgs (AFUO) &/or OUN-B. More photos of him: /6

Before getting more into Bojko & the 🇦🇺 Federation of 🇺🇦Orgs (AFUO), I'd like to note the chairman of the AFUO & global leader of the OUN-B, Stefan Romaniw, follows @oz_uke, & is FB friends with Bojko. "oz_uke" follows typical int'l OUN(B)-tied accounts & even some neo-Nazis: /7

On FB, Bojko is "friends" with global OUN-B leader Stefan Romaniw, and the Australian OUN-B leader Jaroslav Duma (who is also the Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Sydney), and Duma's brother Peter, former international leader of OUN-B's Ukrainian Youth Association (CYM/SUM/UYA). /8

Btw, I realized via the "Fake News Network" that Jaroslav Duma is the OUN-B leader in 🇦🇺: . Below is Duma in Munich with other Dumas, all CYM/SUM leaders in 🇦🇺, at the grave of OUN-B leader, Nazi collaborator, & fascist war criminal Yaroslav Stetsko. /9

Speaking of Stetsko, @stefanromaniw, the longtime chairman of the 🇦🇺 Federation of 🇺🇦 Orgs who is also 1st VP of the @UWCongress and global leader of the OUN-B, bid Stetsko farewell on behalf of international 🇺🇦nationalist youth ("CYM/SUMivtsi"). /10

Simon Bojko has said on FB that he is a "financial member" of the Association of Ukrainians in South Australia (AUSA)--a member org of the AFUO--and according to AUSA's former newsletter, he helped organize its annual Ukrainian NYE celebration ("Malanka"), at least in 2011. /11

1 more thing about Bojko. I'm not sure if he is/was a member of the OUN-B's Youth Ass'n, (which seems to be dominated by the Duma clan), but at least in 2006-07, he was part of the leadership of Plast (Ukrainian Scouts) in South Australia (see p.10):… /12

Back to the "Fake News Network" (UAFNN), which was created above all to counter a Facebook page called the "Australian Ukrainian Congress" (AUC)—created by a former Liberal MP to challenge the legitimacy of Romaniw's OUN-B and 🇦🇺 Federation of 🇺🇦 Orgs (AFUO). Lots of acronyms /13

There is no official UAFNN-AFUO connection, but a month before the creation of the UAFNN, the AFUO released this statement, evidently drafted by Jaroslav Duma, the OUN-B leader in Australia, denouncing the AUC as "Fake News" (using that phrase 8x):… /14

According to the UAFNN (formerly "AUC Fake News"), the "Australian Ukrainian Congress" & other allied FB pages/groups are the work of 1 person, so it makes sense that 1 person from @Ozeukes (i.e. @oz_uke) would manage several accounts to "fight [fake] fire with [fake] fire." /15

The UAFNN has even claimed the AUC's Andrew Olexander, who they call "AndyO," (the basis to call me "MossR," which begat "Mosser the Tosser"), is a member of OUN-B, as well as his late mother, "ACCORDING TO THE OUN[-B] LEADERSHIP"--which begs the Q: how would the UAFNN know? /16

In conclusion, it seems clear to me that 1) the UAFNN is a creation of the AFUO &/or OUN-B; 2) Simon Bojko is @oz_uke/"Bohdan Kravchyshyn" & likely "Stefan Hrynchyshyn" & behind the UAFNN itself; therefore 3) Bojko is essentially the Australian OUN-B's digital attack dog (dingo?)

UPDATE 1: the UAFNN has responded to this thread and denied everything, but only refuted one minor point, that they had special knowledge AUC's Andrew Olexander was an OUN member, because he made a FB post claiming to have resigned. Funny they don't bother addressing the rest.

UPDATE 2: the "Ukrainian Australian Fake News Network" has (finally!) made me a meme. Something interesting about this is that the 🇦🇺 leader of OUN-B has previously called me "one of Putin's puppies," which is apparently one of his favorite sayings. Is that you, Jaroslav Duma?

UPDATE 3: LOL this is amazing. After I posted this (), the UAFNN was triggered enough to post a pic of me & the U.S. leader(s) of the OUN-B which they asked to take after kicking me out of a Center for US-Ukrainian Relations event I tried to attend in March

I've never seen this pic before, although I emailed the OUN-B leaders of the CUSUR (Mykola Hryckowian, L, & Walter Zaryckyj, R) asking them to send me the photo. To me this proves they circulated this pic to Australian OUN-B, and the latter is behind UAFNN

UPDATE 4/5: ding dong the witch is dead

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