Ezra Cheung Profile picture
Words seen in @SCMPNews, @NBCNews, @NikkeiAsia, @nytimes, @CNN, @AFP, etc. Virgoan. Foodie. Tea-sipper. Went to Bruce Lee’s primary school.

May 24, 2020, 7 tweets

#LIVE: Today, Hong Kong sees one of the biggest protests since the #coronavirus outbreak. Hundreds have effectively defied the social distancing restrictions the Hong Kong govt has enacted, to rally against the national security draft bill Beijing bring forward. #HongKongProtests

A replica of the Venus de Milo statue has been put on display on the street. No one is here to explain the idea of the art piece. But Venus de Milo is a symbol of western civilisation. And it is now blindfold by red tape representing the Communist Party. #HongKongProtests

The police have deployed at least five rounds of tear gas as soon as protesters have started to occupy roads in Causeway Bay. It seems they have done so in order to stop the protest from flaring out. #HongKongProtests #antiELAB

“A whole new experience” #HongKongProtests #antiELAB H/T: @YuxuanMichael

While a standstill has lasted for several hours in Causeway Bay, the marching crowd on this end of the protest has significantly thinned. The original plan is to rally between Southorn Playground and SOGO department store in loops. #HongKongProtests #antiELAB

“Good job, the imperial army,” some onlookers applaud the police in a satirical manner and mock them by calling them the “Imperial Japanese Army”, which sparked the Pacific War. As the police have cordoned off the area, onlookers think their freedoms have been suppressed.

The Hong Kong police said in a statement posted on Facebook that as of 4.30 pm, they made 120 arrests in Wan Chai and Causeway Bay. The police claimed protesters set fire to debris and hurled glass bottles to them from above. #HongKongProstests H/T: @maksphotograph5

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