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But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

May 28, 2020, 38 tweets

•Many of you are about to learn about false flags. They’re called that, because they’re pre-meditated situations that have been purposefully set up to push an agenda.
Real people sometimes get hurt or even die. In my opinion what happened was a planned false flag used more 👇🏻

as a Masonic sacrifice to incite civil unrest for them to enact martial law. •33rd street (Freemason)- what’s their moto- ORDER OUT OF CHAOS •Number 6 on trash can •Hands in their pockets the hidden hands of the cabal/deep state illuminati •Posting a picture of him more👇🏻

in front of a corona sign
What happened is disturbing and awful! This officer purposely compressed his carotid artery with his knee, resulting in low or no blood, glucose & oxygen delivery to the brain. For nearly 10 mins, this is prolonged ischemia In forensic pathology, more

Why isn’t Facebook taking all these videos down of a live murder?? Because they WANT us to see them. They want a country rightfully angered towards this mans injustice- knowing people will react in an uncivil way- so they can enact martial law.

Anyone explain what the masked, umbrella carrying man is up to??

Update: identification of umbrella man👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

CRISIS ACTORS / FREEMASON MK ULTRA ILLUMINATI HITMEN ARE THE SOLE CAUSE FOR ALL OF THESE STAGED EVENTS. That’s all they are, staged events to create civil unrest and create racial divide.

Another convincing explanation of how this is a EMT on pick up

For all you unbelievers, read in the background, Open Your Eyes....wake up, times up

Yet the 💩 gets deeper, funny how we ALL stopped talking about coronavirus , look behind Mr #GeorgeFloyd 🤔🤔

Police in at the 3rd precinct in Minneapolis flee the building, using a police cruiser to break the front gate down, in order to escape Floyd rioters. The precinct was burnt down shortly after. #georgefloyd #minneapolis #minneapolisriots

This is beyond ridiculous. How can anyone believe the official narrative at this point?

Deeper and deeper......are you awake yet?

Thought this was important. When will we get tired of being treated as fools??

If you can't SEE that their purposely instigating a race war, I'm not sure you will see anything.

This is the outcome of the Hoax. Our government is fraudulent and out to rule us with an iron fist. Don't give them more power!

Brought to you by @AliceMasci
This is a wonderful summation of this Hoax perpetrated by the Corporation of America. Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

Let me state for the record, that if the lie were true and this man was murdered, I do not retract my prior statements or post. So now that we know it was staged here are my thoughts:
They could have practiced choking #GeorgeFloyd

Need more be said?!!🙄🙄

Infiltrated ANTIFA documentation they're using to co-ordinate riots around the country.

It lists funding sources and handlers for the riots broken down by region, now is the time to strike down their MONEY and LAWYERS.

Still asleep?? Wake up sheeple 👇🏻

Since I did a could it be? On #GeorgeLloyd I figured only fair to #Chauvin. Could it be? Everything has been deception, why not possible?

We live in cartoon world....🤡🔫

More definitive proof of this outlandish hoax perpetrated by Corporation Murica

Just in case the insurmountable amount of evidence provided wasn't enough, check this out. 2014 Kobe Bryant, whom by the way was intro to the covid PLANdemic

Just in case everyone needs a refresher course in false flags and hoax connections

May 18th?? If you still believe the given narrative, then I estimate you are choosing Willful Ignorance!

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