Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General Profile picture
19th & 21st U.S. Surgeon General. Dad, husband, doctor, author. Dedicated to building a healthier, kinder, more connected world. https://t.co/GxSi2TxtAD

Jun 7, 2020, 6 tweets

(1/6) This #SundaySpotlight on #PublicHealth brings you @MinorityHealth’s 5⃣ plays for men to stay at the top of their game this #MensHealthMonth, and serves as an important reminder that #HeartDisease is a top killer for men in the U.S.

(2/6) Physical activity is key and everything counts! Even on my busiest of days I make time for a little exercise.

If you need a little motivation or tips on how to get and stay active, check out @HealthGov’s Activity Planner: health.gov/MoveYourWay/Ac….

(3/6) A lot can change in a year and the same counts for your body – it’s important to see your health team for an annual checkup. Now is a good time to call your provider & see if #telehealth services are available to maintain these appointments.

(4/6) Are you a smoker who’s looking to quit? #DYK that quitting has IMMEDIATE health benefits? It’s never too late to quit. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW to get started today.

For more on what you need to know about quitting smoking, check out my #CessationSGR: hhs.gov/sites/default/…

(5/6) #MoreThanEverBefore, it’s important to have someone to talk to when things get tough.

Whether you’re in crisis or just need a little support, @samhsagov’s National Helpline is available 24/7/365 at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

(6/6) Join me this #MensHealthMonth by encouraging all of the men in our lives to take control of their health, and for families to teach young boys healthy habits throughout childhood!

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