Josie Huang Profile picture
Reporter for @KPCC + @LAist

Jun 14, 2020, 21 tweets

LA’s #AllBlackLivesMatter march is just getting underway and it’s getting shoulder-to-shoulder here . this is a solidarity protest centered on queer and trans Angelenos.

For the backstory on how #AllBlackLivesMatter march came to be re-centered on Black community members, pls read this excellent @LAist piece by @LillianKalish.…

Crossing arms in solidarity at #AllBlackLivesMatter march in Hollywood

Signing the phrase of the... century? At #AllBlackLivesMatter march.

Protest parasols at LA’s #AllBlackLivesMatter march thru Hollywood, WeHo

.@NeverendingNina on being trans. “I represent a population that gets killed every day. Think about your privilege....”

#AllBlackLivesMatter march happening now— barricades wut

Multiple DJs keeping protesters dancing at #AllBlackLivesMatter march through Hollywood

Almost to Sunset...much dancing #AllBlackLivesMatter

On sunset. limo dance. #AllBlackLivesMatter

Armida Mejia of Corona was taking part in #AllBlackLivesMatter because she cares about #BLM and wants to show her son that “Mom cares too.”

Trans activist Gia Banks says there were bumps planning #AllBlackLivesMatter event but in the end she thinks it’s “epic” & breaks down stigma experienced by queer and trans Black people

No sign? No problem.

Jeremy Tardo brought art supplies for other protesters so they don’t have to march empty-handed. They’re making posters on the side of Sunset as you do #AllBlackLivesMatter

22 yo @C99Terrance of Seal Beach & his friends have sprayed #BLM fists onto 100+ protesters shirts & signs at #AllBlackLivesMatter march

.@C99Terrance says #AllBlackLivesMatter really spoke to him. He says just like gay people, he didn’t choose to be Black.

“Hell, if I chose how to come out, I might be like a rich white lady, who knows?”

George Floyd @LaughFactoryHW.

Hand sanitizer, sunblock & sunshine all along #AllBlackLivesMatter route. I think my feet moved here.

Frangelo Ayran says #AllBlackLivesMatter is much less commercial & more inclusive of poc than a typical Pride march and gets back to its roots celebrating black trans vanguards

Also the signs Frangelo and his hubs are holding. I feel like I’ve seen them at most protests I’ve covered in LA.

When you feel something in your periphery and —

#AllBlackLivesMatter memorably delivers its messages like “Black Disabled Lives Matter.” #kelis

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