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Jun 15, 2020, 11 tweets

Today is #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay!

1⃣ in 6⃣ older adults are abused every year.


Q: What is elder abuse?

A: Elder abuse can take a number of forms: physical, sexual, psychological or financial. Abandonment and neglect and serious loss of dignity and respect are also forms of abuse.



Today is #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay!

Elder abuse can lead to serious distress and harm including physical injuries and long-term psychological consequences.



Elder abuse can happen just once or repeatedly. People who commit it are often in a position of trust.



#COVID19 pandemic and imposition of lockdown measures has sharply increased the risk of abuse against older people.



Elder abuse is occurring in homes, in long-term care facilities, and online, with a surge in scams directed at older people.



Governments should create awareness of the increased risk of violence against older people during #COVID19, providing information on how victims can seek help.



Governments can set up national helplines for violence against older people or extend helplines for violence against women and/or children to cover violence against older people.



Governments can provide information about financial scams directed at older people and how to avoid them.



Health providers and social services should be alert to signs of elder abuse and provide advice and support when there is evidence or disclosure of violence.



We should all keep in regular contact with caregivers of older members of our family and older friends, during #COVID19 and beyond, to prevent their social isolation.

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