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Jun 15th 2022
Today is #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay!

1⃣ in 6⃣ older people are abused every year. This is unacceptable. Abuse results in harm to physical & mental health.

What is abuse of older people❓

Abuse of older people (60 years and older) can take various forms: physical, sexual, psychological, or financial. Abandonment and neglect, indignity and disrespect are all forms of abuse.

👉 #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay
Abuse of older people can happen anywhere. It occurs in homes, in long-term care facilities, even online. Many internet scams are targeted towards scamming older people. People who commit it are often in a position of trust.

👉 #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay
Read 8 tweets
Jun 15th 2021
Today is #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay!

1⃣ in 6⃣ older adults suffered some form of abuse last year

Let’s #StopElderAbuse

What is elder abuse ⁉️

Elder abuse can take a number of forms:
☑️ Physical
☑️ Sexual
☑️ Psychological
☑️ Financial
☑️ Abandonment and neglect
☑️ Loss of dignity and respect


Elder abuse can lead to serious physical injuries and long-term psychological consequences such as depression or anxiety.

Victims of elder abuse are 2⃣ times more likely to die prematurely.


Read 13 tweets
Jun 15th 2020
1/4 Today I have a very somber and serious #MondayMotivation to shine a light on #ElderAbuse on this world #ElderAbuseAwarenessDay when the 🌎 voices its opposition to the abuse and suffering inflicted upon some #OlderAdults.
2/4 World #ElderAbuseAwarenessDay (#WEAAD2020) recognizes and raises awareness about the effects of abuse on #OlderAdults. #ElderAbuse is a global social issue affecting the Health & Human Rights of millions of older persons worldwide.
3/4 If you are concerned about the wellbeing of an older adult, go to and search for "Elder Abuse"; or call 1 800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232).…

#WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay #WEAAD2020 #ElderAbuse #FamilyViolence
Read 4 tweets
Jun 15th 2020
Today is #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay. Throughout the year, the FBI works to #KeepSeniorsSafe and educate people on steps they can take to protect themselves from elder fraud. In 2019, the IC3 received 68,013 complaints of elder fraud with losses of more than $835 million. #WEAAD Man on the phone holding a ...
#DYK older people often have “nest eggs,” own homes, and have excellent credit—all of which make them attractive to scammers? If you're 60 or older, especially if you're an older woman living alone, scammers might target you. Learn the signs of scams at
Older Americans are less likely to report fraud because they don’t know how to report it, are embarrassed, or don’t know they have been scammed. Don't be ashamed to report elder fraud and file a complaint at #KeepSeniorsSafe Image
Read 3 tweets
Jun 15th 2020
Today is #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay!

1⃣ in 6⃣ older adults are abused every year.

#StopElderAbuse Image
Q: What is elder abuse?

A: Elder abuse can take a number of forms: physical, sexual, psychological or financial. Abandonment and neglect and serious loss of dignity and respect are also forms of abuse.


#StopElderAbuse Image
Today is #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay!

Elder abuse can lead to serious distress and harm including physical injuries and long-term psychological consequences.


👉 Image
Read 11 tweets

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