Sergio Olmos Profile picture
Investigative reporter @CalMatters | | dm for Signal | 🇲🇽

Jun 18, 2020, 58 tweets

Protestors have gathered outside mayor Ted Wheelers condo in the pearl distinct

One protestor is being called “Spider-Man” for trying to climb the condos

“If we don’t get no justice, you don’t get no peace” outside the Mayors condo

Protestors shining lasers and lights into the condos

Sol, talks about an upcoming march to federal courthouse to abolish ice

Sol, her thoughts being out here(in Spanish)

“Black lives matter”

The crowd, outside the mayors condo, tries to wake up the neighborhood #portlandprotest day 20

There are 4 tents on the street out The condo

“Wake the fuck up” outside the mayors condo

“Take to the streets and fuck the police” 🥁

She goes off on the bullhorn 🥁

“Stay together, stay tight”

Protestors are talking about what to do if police show up:
“Do we want to stay?”
“We should sit when they come!”
“Don’t run!”

“Whose streets”

A guitarist is joining the drum circle

About to enter the 21st day of protest

“We not killin, we surviving, we chillin, we chillin”

Protestor building consensus for occupying this part of the pearl district

Patrick Kimmons was a black man killed by police in 2018

The beginnings of what is being called “Patrick Kimmons Autonomous Zone”

Protestors called out another protestor wearing an earpiece as “a cop”

The protestor with the earpiece is called an inflator

There are about 300-500 people here

10th and NW flounders is now being barricaded

Another street barricaded. That makes 2

3rd street barricaded Nw Glisan and 10th

4th street barricaded, Nw 10th and glisan

Four corners with barricades

Protestors strengthing barricade

Here are the barricade positions, it is a very small zone

The barricades are being reineforced

A protestor wanted to light the dumpster on fire, another cautioned “wait until the cops come”

Protests sing happy birthday for one of their own

Patrick Kimmons Automous Zone

“Little Beirut lives”

No sign of police, barricades being reeinforced on all sides

Protests warns that there are “cops coming”

A rumor went around that police were in their way, people have tensed up. Standing around waiting for them

The Patrick Kimmons Automous Zone barricade

About 200-300 people here, some manning the barricades

“If you got goggles put them on, mask up”

The Patrick Kimmons Automous Zone

The Patrick Kimmons Autonomous Zone #PKAZ in #portland

Less people here, but there’s still enthusiasm

2:12am, day 21 #portlandprotest

Protestors are making noise for victims of police violence

More wood to reinforce the fence

#PKAZ now has a restroom

#PKAZ 2:56am, day 21

I am out of downtown.

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