Dr. Bernie Lim, MD, MS (she/her) Profile picture
29 yo Physician & Organizer. Whole-Person Healing to the People ✊🏽✨ Founder, Freedom Community Clinic. Faculty, SF State. Harvard’16. #NMQF40U40

Jun 21, 2020, 5 tweets

I’m just filled with hella gratitude today y’all.

Our team of healers, volunteers, co-conspiring allies, and community served+provided healing services for 400+ Black and Indigenous people out in Oakland the past three weekends in June.

Happy #Juneteenth weekend ✊🏽❤️


Shoutout to our amazing Black, Indigenous, POC healers and volunteers who have given so much and created beautiful spaces of rest for Oakland.

Also check out these Black Healing Matters totes we were able to give out today!!!

Our team of WOC Healers, Activists, Lightworkers, Nurturers behind the Freedom Community Clinic’s Healing for Black Lives clinic series ✊🏾❤️

Reppin medicine, acupuncture, Reiki, yoga, meditation, herbal medicine, public health, health education 🙏🏽

Help us continue these healing clinics for underserved communities this summer 🦋 Anything helps!!

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