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Jun 26, 2020, 6 tweets

In the first #coronavirus task force briefing in nearly 2 months, @VP Pence says there's a "rise of new cases that today surmounted 40,000 new cases in a single day."

Pence plans to visit Texas, Arizona and Florida in the coming days as those states see spikes in #COVID19

.@VP Pence: "As the president has made clear, we want to open our economy up. We want to move America forward, even while we take and continue to take the steps necessary to protect lives and the health of the American people"


.@VP: "it's almost inarguable" more testing means more cases. Adds, "volume of new cases" is a reflection expanding testing

The claim that case surges can be fully explained by an increase in testing availability has been refuted by public health experts, including Dr. Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci issues stern warning on role U.S. must play in global fight against #COVID19

"We have to look at the fact on what our role is in trying to put an end to this. Everyone wants to end it, everyone wants to get back to normal everyone wants the economy to recover"

#FAUCI ON #COVID FIGHT: "You have an individual responsibility to yourself, but you have a societal responsibility...we have to realize that we are part of the process..we can be either part of the solution or part of the problem" cbsnews.com/news/white-hou…

.@PaulaReidCBS presses @VP as the Trump campaign defied #Tulsa officials with last week's rally, resulting in positive #COVID cases among staff:

"Even in a health crisis the American people don't forfeit our constitutional rights"

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