Benjamin Strick Profile picture
Investigations Director @Cen4infoRes. Past BBC & @Bellingcat. Tutorials: OSINT/GEOINT. Views = own.

Jun 27, 2020, 8 tweets

Operation Lafiya Doyle air strikes on "Boko Haram" locations in Borno State by Nigerian Air Force on 25 June saw some pretty heavy bombing of remote villages. "Tongule Village" was one of the heavily hit areas. Its location is:…

One of the strikes landed in the east side of the village, but looking at imagery from 2018 shows strikes took out a chunk of the village back then too. The box in red was an earlier strike from mid-2018. The June 25 bombing seen in screenshot landed here:…

Second village in OP Lafiya Doyle bombing was "Bukar Meram" near Lake Chad. It is located here:…. H/T @TomaszRolbiecki. Just like Tongule village, Bukar Meram had been bombed in the past (2019) as it was an alleged #ISWAP camp.

Geolocation of Bombing of 'Boko Haram positions' in 'Mina' Village, Nigeria, July 3 2020, as part of the continued strikes by Nigeria in OP Lafiya Doyle. Location of the village is here:….

This same village targeted yesterday for its Boko Haram 'logistics facilities' was also bombed heavily on 5 March 2020 targeting areas used as 'ISWAP hideouts' ().

Recent strike on Mina is interesting as it is only 20km from Limani, on the border of Cameroon. The area hasn't had as much recent (post-2018) activity as areas closer to Lake Chad or Sambisa Forest.

Something I am working on is mapping activity (BH/ISWAP) with destroyed villages (attributable to BH/ISWAP/strikes/abandonment.

Map shows:
red (deceased village)
black (Mar 20)
green (Feb 20)
purple (Jan 20)
blue (2019+ activity)
grey (2005-2019)

Recent NAF footage shows aerial support against Boko Haram attack on Nigerian Army defensive positions in #Gubio (81km N of Maiduguri) here:…. Note the deep trenches seen around the town, here's a closeup:

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