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Jun 27, 2020, 11 tweets

Less Try to understand what happened in E synidate Bank Surat Incident Step by Step

DAY 1- 20.06.2020
A customer visited to the Branch for Passbook updating in branch, since the printer was not working So customer was given Account statement on the same day;

Day 3- 22.06.2020
Customer again visited the branch & Requested to update Passbook (No Txn happened btwn 20/06 to 22/06) since Printer was not working & Printed statement already provided, Branch expressed inability to help them any further. Customer called his relative (A Cop)

There were only 2 Staff working in Branch, since the business hours is over so staff were doing backend work of the Day. The other person forced Security to open gate (4:30PM) & entered branch, he started to Abuse staff of the branch by using very foul language!

Seeing things getting out of Hands, Cashier (Lady) opened her camera & started recording the whole incident just to ensure their safety & any further mishappening!! But the other (PoliceMan) treated this as disrespected, enter into cubical & assaulted the lady very brutally

Staff immediately called security & advise them to make the policeman out from branch premises. But power hungry Cop treated it as disrespect too & strangled the security staff & Manager too. Manager immediately called the Emergency Helpline & Call police for help.

Lady also tried to get help from bystanders but the Cop didn't allowed anybody to enter in branch & warned to face consequences to anybody who entered, as usual no1 came for help. Though he was not wearing his Dress but keep on shouting that He is a policeman & don't get into it

Later When Police Came, they tool staff in PCR Van along with her husband (No lady Police was in Van). In van they keep on pressuring the lady for a settlement & don't lodged complaint or face consequences. They even threatened her husband not to get into it & advise her to Stop

But the incident was too much dark for anybody to let go without any action so lady didn't surrendered & made their stand clear to lodge the formal complaint. They were made sit in Police station till 11.30 then lodged complaint against Customer Only (Policeman name not included)

Day 4- 23.06.2020
Video of the incident went viral when #ShameSuratPolice started trending & got attention of @nsitharaman @suchetadalal @NCWIndia @abhasinghlawyer & many media & eminent people. Twitter flooded with outraged tweets & heart wrenching video of the incident!!

Day 5- 24.06.2020

After intervention of @NCWIndia @nsitharamanoffc
@CP_SuratCity filed an FIR (42Hrs Late) against Culprit (Policeman) but the charges made were very light in nature & less effective for such heinous & Cowardly act of Assault on a Lady On duty Public servant!!

Day 8- 27.06.2020

The suspended cop presented to court before Magistrate immediately granted Bail. Mostly sections were bailable offences except IPC Section 332 which was included much later & after guidence & Intervention from @abhasinghlawyer


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