Oh come on ... can we please be done with this #Qanon #MAGA lunacy. I mean how many people need to die to satisfy their blood lust. I guess I didn't realize their stupid rallying cry #WWG1WGA ... meant like lemmings we go all following each other off the cliff. #TakeThePlunge
So Michelle apparently deleted her account not long after this tweet. Here is what her account looked like before she deleted @mmba26baer . Its weird given this is an account created in 2009 and I am sure this was not the worst tweet she ever made.
So this @mmba26baer ...umm I mean @frankiejojean account is becoming more & more interesting. I initially thought she got run off of Twitter by Kpop. I'm not a big fan of vigilantism & some of the Kpop attacks seemed over the top. But Im starting 2 have my doubts she is even real
So first the ratio of 351 retweets to 39 likes is a little unusual and I found where someone else noted that she initially got 56 retweets before her first like. Given its a racist tweet ... I suppose its possible to get way more retweets than likes ...
But she also changed her account from @mmba26baer to @frankiejojean before finally deleting the account altogether. I mean maybe, given the claims of her being doxxed. Its just the tidbits of info that some rather odd accnts posted don't match up 4 someone claiming 2b from WI
Looking 4 the user ID to see if after @frankiejojean it got changed yet again, turns out it does appear 2b deleted. But something else caught my eye. Michelle also liked to rt Greg Rubini & I remembered that name. Turns out Buzzfeed just did a story on him
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