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Jul 2, 2020, 5 tweets

#RajaraniTemple is an 11th-century  temple located in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. The temple is believed to have been known originally as Indreswara. It is locally known as "love temple" because of erotic carvings in the temple.


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#RajaraniTemple is built in pancharatha style on raised platform with 2 structures: a central shrine called vimana (sanctum) with bada (curvilinear spire) over its roof rising to height of 18 m & a viewing hall called jagamohana with a pyramidal roof.



📷The front portion of the jagamohana depicts nagins and guarding deities in the doorjambs, with vimana in the background. The jagamohana measures 5.43 m *5.43 m from the inside & 11 m*11 m from the outside.


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📷1:Niche dedicated to #LordGanesha.

📷2+3:Nag-Naagin stambha (नाग-नागिन स्तंभ).

📷4: Lions pouncing over Elephants- Symbolic representation that pride kills power.


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