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We believe in the power of advocacy & communications to ↑ health & wellbeing around the 🌍, leaving no one behind. Views = ours. Tweets from all offices.

Jul 3, 2020, 5 tweets

3 weeks ago we launched #StemTheSpreadKE, an awareness campaign targeting Kenyan youth with #Covid19 messages as a reminder that we're still living in a pandemic – and will be for the foreseeable future.

Everybody knows that young people will listen to their peers more than their parents and public health experts, even if they’re saying the same thing. The messenger matters! So we decided to do things a little differently with #StemTheSpreadKE

We worked with some pretty amazing champions such as @Misskihoro @johnallannamu & @truthslinger to amplify these #Covid19 messages and get them where they needed to be seen: Twitter, Instagram and Facebook feeds #StemTheSpreadKE

The messages are universal, but with a local feel. Because nobody cares what you’re saying if you’re talking at them instead of trying to connect with them. And it doesn’t hurt to have nice graphics either 😊 #StemTheSpreadKE @Fena_menal @DjJoeMfalme @ShikoNguru

Instead of making a really long thread, we’ll get to our point: we can beat #Covid19 if we all commit to keep ourselves, our families and communities safe. So play your part, #StayHome #StemTheSpreadKE, and remember...

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