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Jul 6, 2020, 11 tweets

A stalling #HIV response is set back further as access to life-saving medicines is severely impacted by #COVID19 in some countries. With over 25 million ppl receiving life-saving antiretroviral medicines globally in 2019, low stocks put millions at risk.

Antiretroviral medicines can help control the #HIV virus & prevent onward sexual transmission to other ppl.
Modelling suggests a 6 month disruption in access to these medicines could cause AIDS-related deaths in sub-Saharan Africa to double in 2020 alone

In 2019, about 8.3 million people were benefiting from antiretroviral medicines in the 24 countries now experiencing supply shortages, representing about 33% of all people taking #HIV treatment globally.


73 countries reported that they were at risk of stock-outs of #HIV antiretroviral medicines. In 2019, an estimated 17.7 million people were taking antiretroviral medicines in these countries.


Causes for the disruptions of #HIV antiretroviral medicines during #COVID19 include:
⌛️ failure of suppliers to deliver medicines on time
🚏 shut-down of land & air transport services
🏥 limited access to health services as a result of the pandemic

In addition to antiretroviral medicines, there are reports of disruptions in the supply of condoms, drugs for #HIV prevention and opioid substitution therapy in certain countries.

Between 2000 & 2019:
▪️ New #HIV infections ↘️ 39%
▪️ HIV-related deaths ↘️ 51%
▪️ 15 million lives were saved through the use of antiretroviral therapy

However, progress in recent years has stalled.


Despite steady advances in scaling up #HIV treatment coverage, in 2019 only:
▪️ 81% of people living with HIV knew their status
▪️ 67% were receiving HIV treatment
▪️ 59% were virally suppressed, showing the effectiveness of treatment


In 2019, there were an estimated 95000 #HIV-related deaths & 150000 new infections among children. Only 53% of children in need of antiretroviral therapy were receiving it.


Fast-tracking the prequalification of dolutegravir as a generic, affordable #HIV drug is 🔑 to save lives. It will provide children with rapid access to an optimal drug that, to date, has only been available for adults & older children/adolescents.

Ending the #HIV epidemic requires coordinated action & meaningful engagement of national HIV programmes & their development partners, key populations & people living with HIV – and by ensuring that the global targets of the SDGs for HIV & #UHC are reached

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