Greg Foot Profile picture
Science Journalist, Producer & Presenter | Sliced Bread on @BBCRadio4 | YouTube - live interactive family shows | Events Host |

Jul 8, 2020, 5 tweets

Gloriously nerdy tech day!! I'm upgrading the spare room studio to incl live talk back with a producer in a remote studio + more for #BigBangDigital next week. I'm hosting & the live guests + stories of #stem efforts during the pandemic are inspiring!

Oooooo (also: yum! Nice touch @FIX8Group, thanks!)

This is obvs not new tech btw, this has been sent for the event next week & will then return 😔

However I have been upgrading our kit & working out how to do #letsgolive on location with no power or WiFi - will share that soon!

First thing first, internet. Hard-wiring so there's no risk of WiFi dropping out.

CAT 5 cable from router, up the stairs to a switcher in the spare room studio

Tech test was a success 🎉 shall I post a video of the full setup?

So here's the new spare room studio setup I'm using to host #BigBangDigital next week - it means I can have live talk back with a remote Producer, can play my studio feed into a remote gallery and do live Q&A with multiple guests. Really looking forward to it!

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