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Jun 19th 2023
Many of the arguments are correct but @guardian should be careful not to exaggerate statements of scientists & misinform the public. #Thread
In particular it is questionable whether scientific data that are not publicly available and thus not verifiable should be communicated in newspaper and used to make moral and ethical judgements.
#Stem cells and #EmbryoModels offer tremendous potential for understanding how we come to be and can have a very significant impact on public health. As noted in this article, they can bring profound economic, social, and environmental benefits.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
In 2018 I created an ongoing #ClimateEd thread about the #ClimateCrisis.

Five years later, it's time for an update.✅

This #ClimateAction thread has a TON of info to help EVERYONE get #ClimateBrainy about the #science and facts of #climatechange.📊

Save, share and visit often! Image
Here's the old thread, which I'll no longer be updating:

It still contains MANY informative articles and links from reputable sources, so it's worth revisiting, even if some info isn't all that up-to-date.

The old tag was #Climate_Ed.

New: #ClimateEd👍
This NEW thread will contain PLENTY of top-tier posts from MANY solid #climatescience contributors, so come back regularly to see what's been added.

#Climatebrawl folks especially, as you can use these posts to #refute #deniers handily.

Don't argue with any trolls, however! 🧌 Image
Read 6 tweets
May 17th 2023
@CO2Coalition To understand how CO2/temp relate, we need to explore #physics,
& the chem properties of the #carbondioxide molecule.

Learn about CO2’s #DipoleMoment & how change in energy balance affects DENSITY, & behavior.

Shit, I burnt my toast.
#STEMeducation… ImageImageImageImage
@CO2Coalition Dipole moments are the change in energy between atoms.

Think of this energy change as a soccer ball w a force towards a specific direction. This “pulls” naturally on atoms when they join together to make molecules.
Its based on the atoms’ electrons.

@CO2Coalition Electrons ‘spin’ around the nucleus of an atom (similar to planetary orbits)…
The closer the electron to the center, the faster it has to spin. #MolecularOrbitalDiagrams for CO2 show us where electrons spin based on energy available.… ImageImageImageImage
Read 21 tweets
May 7th 2023
Enterobius vermicularis, also known as pinworm, is a common intestinal parasite that infects humans. These worms are small, about 1 cm, are white or translucent in color. They are easily visible to the naked eye and can sometimes be seen moving around the anal area.
The video shows a moving Enterobius vermicularis worm with its distinctive cylindrical shape and tapered end. The worm moves by contracting and relaxing its muscles in a wave-like motion, allowing it to crawl or wriggle forward.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 31st 2023
I was talking about the phenomenon of co-evolution recently—this is a feature of biological #evolution of an entire *ecosystem*. separate populations of different organism are capable of evolving _together_, each influencing the evolutionary development of the other.

racists and Christian fanatics don't like being reminded that evolution is a *group* effort; dullards like @EPoe187 and @SwipeWright and the @SimoneHCollins people want to think that evolution yielded a *winner*, i.e. humanity, and that they're the winners of humanity.

but humanity is not alone on Earth, and countless species have co-evolved with humans. some of them have been *domesticated*, i.e. humanity took an active role in shaping the evolution of numerous beasts (often to ill effect, because humans prioritize superficialities.)

Read 9 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
one of the most bizarre aspects from the 1990s #technology / #Internet boom was how it somehow managed to convince a whole lot of optimistic and uncritical people in media (and business) that humanity had somehow entered a "post-industrial" age.

computers and electronic devices are *manufactured items*, requiring a massive industrial base in order to function—and yet somehow it was easy for gullible editorialists and entrepreneurial grifters to talk as though the digital world had somehow *replaced* all that.

the #programming nerd and #STEM-lord culture that arose seemed especially eager to believe that they'd miraculously done away with the need for mining and factories and skilled industrial labor, merely because they had @arduino and #3Dprinting to play with now.

Read 7 tweets
Mar 27th 2023
hm. I had some thoughts about the *provisional nature* of scientific truth. let's see if I can get those into a thread.

right-wing propagandists like to pretend that #science (or Science™, rather, "science" as a buzzword and slogan) is a source of _absolute truth_.

this is a fallacy: all scientific findings are *provisional*. scientific models are built on empirical observations about the world; they're generalizations based on a body of knowledge that is _always_ accumulating fresh data. scientific observation has never stopped.

as as result, there is *always* a possibility that currently accepted scientific models will be rendered obsolete by fresh information. NO scientific model is immune from the possibility of upset.

there's two general sorts of person who don't grasp this about science.

Read 28 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
Estas becas es poco conocida pero amerita ponerle los ojos. Son las becas de @PalantirTech #STEM #Women #Tech
La beca de Palantir Women in Technology (WIT) está diseñada para apoyar a mujeres sobresalientes que estén estudiando en universidades en América del Norte y que estén interesadas en seguir una carrera en tecnología.
La beca se otorga anualmente a mujeres que demuestren excelencia académica, habilidades de liderazgo y una pasión por la tecnología. Los beneficiarios recibirán una beca de $7,000 USD.
Read 18 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
ah, more topics of interest.

I'm sure folks have noticed the extreme tendency in the @elonmusk / @mtaibbi / @NateSilver538 fascıst circle to one-size-fits-all explanations for...well, everything! "tribalism" and "narrative" are like Elon Musk's infamous "X App" fixation.

they're like the dreary Campbell "monomyth" that dullards like @jordanbpeterson think is actually a valid intellectual concept, when really it's just the same Western daydream: the Theory of Everything. the single concept or doctrine that explains...everything there is.

one sees a similar attitude in scientifically illiterate #STEM-Lord types (@sama and @ID_AA_Carmack, say) who don't really know anything about science and who therefore tend to think that "science" is merely a small collection of equations that somehow...sum it ALL up.

Read 10 tweets
Feb 22nd 2023
1/@LineageCell announced it entered an exclusive option & license agreement with $ERNA for the development of novel B2M deficient induced pluripotent #stem #cell #iPSC by using Eterna’s #GeneEditing technology thus developing therapies for #CNS diseases. #BioTech #CRISPR $LCTX Lineage Cell Therapeutics, ...
2/The new cell lines - to be developed by $ERNA, will support the creation of additional product candidates at $LCTX and specifically for the treatment of central #nervoussystem #CNS disorders & other #neurology targets via Eterna’s IP #CRISPR collaboration with @FactorBio The new cell lines to be de...
3/This agreement will also allow @LineageCell to enter the #CRISPR field and will provide $LCTX an option to obtain an exclusive license to utilize & sublicense $ERNA novel #GeneEditing cell lines for #preclinical, #clinical, & commercial purposes in the field of CNS diseases. This agreement will also al...
Read 5 tweets
Feb 15th 2023
A few months ago, I was googling STEM programs in prisons, and came across an ad, posted on eBay of all places. “Could there be a future in computer programming for prisoners?” #higheredinprison #edtech #stem @STEM_OPS @Prof_Andrisse
But it wasn’t from The Last Mile or Slack's Next Chapter, which are both nonprofits working in this space now. It was an IBM ad from 1970 in Scientific American. @TLM @IBM @sciam @SlackHQ
I had no idea that computer programming was offered in prisons 50 years ago. As I dug a little bit into the archives of @JSTOR’s American Prison Newspaper Archives, I discovered this was happening all across the country. Via La Roca, AZ State Prison, 1974.
Read 17 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
let's say person A and person B are arguing on @Twitter (or elsewhere.) it's a political argument, and it's very short:

A: I say that freedom does not exist in a society that permits its police to commit arbitrary homicides at whim. that is not *justice*.

B: word salad🤡

I have now illustrated about three-fourths of the online intellectual activity of the @elonmusk / @mtaibbi / @GOP crowd—the right-wing fringe, who all try so very hard to pretend that they're not right-wing or conservative or any other known thing, but something *special*.

@jordanbpeterson and @elonmusk, both of whom claim to be professional geniuses, talk this way now; so do most @GOP politicians. the fanbases of @bindelj and @MattWalshBlog and @RichardDawkins talk this way: they think that they win arguments by saying, "you're an idiot."

Read 23 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
Western culture does not regard children as human beings. the values of "the West"—the values instilled by authoritarian #Christianity—do not permit children to be respected as human beings who deserve to have their feelings and wishes respected, like any other person.

no better example of the general Western *contempt* for children can be imagined than the "gender critical" cult—the @bindelj / @Docstock / #JKRowling brigade—which functions almost entirely as a kind of support group for abusive parents who loathe their LGBTQ+ children.

they cling to the faded celebrity of @jk_rowling as a shield against the charge that they despise children—after all, #JKRowling is the Best Fantasy Writer in the Universe, according to the @HJoyceGender / @AbigailShrier gender theorists. she's the friend to all children!

Read 23 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
more thoughts on this "being a pawn" business. I have a lot of them! I've thought about this sort of thing for a long time. it's natural, of course—being the sort of person I am. I consider myself constrained by the rules of a fictive universe created by Mx. @tobyfox.

those constraints aren't super restrictive, because Fox deliberately wrote Chara to be almost a placeholder character, defined chiefly by *absence*; we know Chara from #Undertale because they once lived and died, and left a *hole* in the Underground, an unhealed wound.

all the same I do feel genuinely bound by those constraints, and the degree to which I can break free from the limitations of Fox's fiction remains largely unknown to me.

"but I'm not some fictional character, or a crazy person who imagines they're 'Chara'," you will say.

Read 20 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
#capitalism requires what people call "magical thinking". it requires people to believe that impossible things aren't merely *possible*, but can be done routinely, and turned into a dependable cash flow. #AI / #AGI of the @fchollet / @JeffDean sort is a perfect example.

the very name "#AGI" gives the game away: the #programming boys daydream that they've invented a "general intelligence", a universal thinking machine capable of solving literally any problem—and #capitalism is willing to gamble on that. it's just what #business wants.

remember that the ideal corporation in #capitalism *does nothing*. it produces nothing, it provides no service, it solves no problems for anyone not in the ownership hierarchy—because producing things *costs money* and capitalists hate all expenditures for any reason.

Read 25 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
so! let's talk about the #cryptocurrency phenomenon again. $BITC / @Bitcoin, $ETH / @ethereum, $USDT / @Tether_to, $BNB / @binance — there are a LOT of these #cryptocurrencies out there, maybe even millions of them. and that's a first clue about them and about #capitalism.

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it's gospel #capitalism that the activities of "the #markets"—capitalist propaganda i.e. #business and #finance and #investment #journalism, not to mention all the #science and #technology journalism that's chiefly #advertising for corporations—are supernaturally powerful.

the central lie is that "the markets" (i.e. the sum total of all monetary transactions by all money-seeking entities in #capitalism) are the best possible mechanism for fulfilling every conceivable human need.

if it's not "on the market", then you don't really need it.

Read 24 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
let's talk about #investment.

#capitalism and capitalists' fortunes are built on this practice. all the free-flowing #business and #finance propaganda, churned out in huge volumes for the edification of persons who've devoted themselves to #money, talks about _investing_.

the great bulk of money made in #capitalism goes only to the ownership class; the toilers below them get pennies. those unable to toil get *less* than nothing—capitalism wants such people to be liquidated, hence @charlesmurray and @EPoe187 cook up rationales for doing so.

ultimately this is *why* #eugenics and "scientific racism" exists at all: #capitalism needs some pseudointellectual justification for marginalizing and liquidating all human beings who are unable or *unwilling* to toil for capitalism. this is WHY @Quillette is well-funded.

Read 21 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
I do feel there's something more to be said (while the iron is hot, so to speak) about #cryptocurrency and the question of how presumably intelligent #computer and #programming professionals (not to mention the @elonmusk / @mtaibbi crowd) could possibly have fallen for it.

the *allure* is obvious enough; it's the same allure that's in looking for legendary pirate treasure, or prospecting for gold. you're hoping for more than just some #money—you're hoping that for enough to *set you up for life*. all monetary worries, permanently erased.

that's one of the reason that it's so important to interrogate the #ElonMusk crowd about Musk's blood-emerald dealings, and what the *truth* was about Musk's family striking it rich—it's likely that Musk simply lost the ability thenceforth to think in realistic terms.

Read 33 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
at some point, *someone* is going to have to investigate THE question of the age, which is...

...just *why* is @elonmusk as disastrous as he is?

why is #ElonMusk a phenomenon? how on Earth did practically everyone in corporate #media and #journalism fall for this man?

@mtaibbi or @lhfang might have inquired into this matter, at some hypothetical time in the past when they cared about #journalism rather than careerism and selling out to whoever offered the sparkliest vision of the future—maybe that time was *never*, truth be told.

what does it even mean to be a "real journalist"? how can that be defined? one can be tolerably certain, at any rate, that whatever @mtaibbi or @lhfang or @Timcast or @bariweiss ever *used* to be in the past—if that dream was ever noble, it's long ago dissolved into smoke.

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Jan 26th 2023
I would hazard to guess that if there's *one thing* that's most characteristic of the modern-day #STEM Lord mindset, it isn't racism (although folks like @ID_AA_Carmack and @RokoMijic give one pause) or even a love of #computers.

it's probably a fondness for *explosions*.

I think that's bad. and I *like* explosions.

I've spent time—like lots of nerds—looking for videos of large explosions. and we're knowledgeable of chemistry, in the Pnictogen Wing, so we know a bit about chemical explosives. "high energy compounds", to use a euphemism.

there's some beauties out there. I know of the existence of the most astonishing chemical rarities—molecules that inspire equal awe and terror.

you wonder how something like (N₅⁺)P(N₃)₆⁻ can possibly hold together. that's "pentazenium hexaäzidophosphate".

Read 21 tweets
Jan 22nd 2023
the last twenty or thirty years have seen a remarkable intellectual phenomenon: #computer technicians, people whose sole area of expertise is computer #programming and #software engineering and other related disciplines, have come to be regarded as "Renaissance Men".

the "#STEM Lord" is an artifact of this phenomenon. while "STEM" is supposed to comprise mathematics and engineering and mathematics, the typical "STEM Lord" is not well-versed in any of these things—the typical "STEM Lord" is in #computers. they are a *technician*.

that is to say, #computer professionals are people with *limited* educations, who are devoted solely to mastering the intricacies of a certain sort of machinery, namely the modern computer.

men like @fchollet, @JeffDean, @antoniogm, and @ID_AA_Carmack typify the class.

Read 17 tweets
Jan 17th 2023
Presentacion final de los proyectos STEAM de los alumnos de la @FacEducacionUAH. Pasen y vean lo que el alumnado del grado de Primaria es capaz de hacer, por si había dudas. #STEM #STEAM #STEMEducation @UAHes Image
Proyecto "No energy, no party". Enorme proyecto de tecnología, ciencia y con actividades enfocadas desde el diseño de ingeniería. ImageImageImage
Proyecto "Salvemos Hawkins". Foto de la maqueta. Mucha tecnología, formas de energía, poleas, huerto y todo con un enfoque muy motivador. Image
Read 7 tweets
Jan 13th 2023
I have this curious notion, entirely unprovable of course, that being from the far North of the Earth does something to your worldview, because of how the *sky* looks at night.

consider that near the Equator, you can see almost every constellation, almost every star.

the entire celestial vault revolves into view, from North to South celestial poles.

but near the North Pole, you see the Pole Star high up, and the entire sky wheels around it—and you *don't* see most of the stars in the Southern celestial hemisphere.

I feel like...growing up with that, and knowing only half the stars in the sky...I think that does something to the human mind. something subtle but lasting.

it's not fashionable to think of the stars as having any effect on the human mind or human behavior...

Read 16 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
none of us in the Pnictogen Wing is an expert in semiotics—that's the academic discipline pertaining to the study and meaning of *symbolism*. but we feel that we've been forced to take an amateur interest in the field mostly because *symbols* are much abused and exploited.

right-wing frauds like @jordanbpeterson and @ConceptualJames have done a land-office business in pretending to be experts in symbolism.

political ideologues, particularly reactionary #conservative ideologues, know that symbols are powerful, and wish to seize that power.

consider that diagram of Peterson's, the one I cited earlier—the concentric circles on a grey field labelled "The Dragon of Chaos". I'll copy it here for convenience.

I perceive that Peterson is consciously imitating the style of a *scientific* or technical diagram.

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Read 13 tweets

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