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Jul 12, 2020, 5 tweets

The Bhutanatha group of temples is a cluster of sandstone shrines dedicated to the deity Bhutanatha, in Badami, Karnataka. Bhutanatha temple contain architectural forms from different periods. There are two major temples here.


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Temple No.1, on the east side of the lake, called the #BhutanathaTemple has a superstructure that resembles early South Indian style or North Indian style with its open mantapa (hall) extending into the lake.


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The smaller Temple No.2 on the north-east side of the lake, sometimes called the Mallikarjuna group of temples, has a stepped superstructure, commonly found in Kalyani Chalukya constructions.


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The inner shrine & mantapa of Temple No.1 were constructed in the late 7th century, during the reign of the Badami Chalukyas. While the outer mantapa, facing the Badami tank, was completed during the rule of the Kalyani Chalukyas of the 11th century.



📷1:Rear view of Bhutanatha temple complex at Badami.

📷2+3+4: Exquisite Sculptural carvings.


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