#COVID19 pandemic could tip over 130 million more people into chronic hunger by the end of 2020, adding to persistent hunger & #malnutrition 🌐 - new @FAO, @IFAD, @UNICEF, @WFP & WHO #SOFI2020 report highlights challenges to achieving 0 hunger by 2030.
The number of people going hungry is ↗️ and #COVID19 is making things worse 📈
The #SOFI2020 published today, estimates that approximately 690 million people went hungry in 2019.
👉 bit.ly/2ZlxvTo
Almost 1 in 10 people (8.9%) worldwide is undernourished, with 3 Regions most affected:
▪️ 381 million in Asia
▪️ 250 million in Africa
▪️ 48 million in Latin America & the Caribbean
Overcoming hunger & #malnutrition (incl. undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, overweight & obesity) is about more than securing enough food to survive: what people eat must also be nutritious. Yet 3 billion people 🌐 cannot afford a healthy diet.
#Malnutrition affects all age groups.
In 2019, among under-5-year-olds:
▪️191 million were stunted or wasted (too short or too thin)
▪️38 million were overweight
Malnutrition also affects adults, with obesity becoming a global pandemic in its own right
A transformation of food systems to⬇️the cost of nutritious foods &⬆️the affordability of healthy diets could:
💟help people #BeatNCDs
↘️health costs associated with unhealthy #nutrition
↘️social cost of greenhouse gas emissions
Saving trillions of 💲
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