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Freelance journalist/researcher with a passion for the struggle for democracy, human rights & wildlife preservation. Reporting on wars, uprisings & conservation

Jul 14, 2020, 27 tweets

Across #Belarus people are starting to rise up and get involved with politics. Even in smaller towns that never saw any protests before people are now joining the anti-#Lukashenko movement, outraged at police violence and repression.…

#Belarus has a long tradition of jailing presidential candidates. @RFERL made a list of all the hopefuls who challenged #Lukashenko and were jailed because of it

#Belarus: the final list for next month's presidential elections has been published, #Lukashenko's biggest rivals including #Babaryka have been denied from running, sparking even more outrage among the people

#Belarus: protests are erupting all over the country following the publication of the final list of presidential candidates.

Protesters in #Minsk are honking the cars to demonstrate their outrage

#Belarus: protesters are again being picked off the streets by undercover police

#Belarus: anti-#Lukashenko protesters marching through the streets of #Minsk

Only in #Belarus: protesting on a bicycle to stay out of the hands of the police

#Belarus: hundreds of protesters are gathering across #Minsk, rallies like this one are very large for a city like Minsk

#Belarus: unbelievable scenes in #Minsk, protesters are actually starting to clash with riot police.

#Belarus:undercover police are working overtime trying to arrest all the protesters one-by-one

#Belarus: protesters forming a human chain so the police can't pick them up and arrest them separately

#Belarus: anti-#Lukashenko protests continue as the sun in setting.

Protesters are chanting "police are with the people!"

#Belarus: video ofna confrontation between protesters and police. The police try to arrest individual protesters as the crowd tries to stay together

#Belarus: young Belarusians actively resisting the police.

Europe's last dictatorship is crumbling down

#Belarus: another video of a direct confrontation between protesters and police in #Minsk

Cycling for freedom in #Belarus

#Belarus: for the second time in a month a @svaboda crew was arrested by the police while covering anti-#Lukashenko protests in the streets

#Belarus: Belarusians marching against #Lukashenko today

#Belarus: night falls in #Minsk but police arrests continue

Belarusian police having a field day

#Belarus: protester pushes down a police man as he tries to escape arrest

#Belarus: it's passed midnight in #Minsk and anti-#Lukashenko protests are still ongoing

#Belarus: a day of violent repression in #Minsk

#Belarus: the capital #Minsk last night.

A journalist crew from @tutby was assaulted by police and pushed into a bus, totally unprovoked

#Belarus: for the second day in a row Belarusians are gathering in lines to protest.

Police meanwhile are very busy arresting people for simply standing in line

Violence continues against journalists in #Belarus.

@svaboda reporter Anton Trafimovich was punched in the face by police today

#Belarus: timelapse of a line of protesters.

It just goes on and on...

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