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Data Maniac, Graphic & Information Designer, Teacher; Husband & Father; https://t.co/jM4tDZKtZ0 / Founder. Follow my design account: @SedrakMkrtchyan

Jul 15, 2020, 8 tweets

#NarekSardaryan, 30 y.o, father of 2 kids, from Nerkin Khndzoresk in #Armenia, today presented to public by #Azerbaijan as a person who crossed border with Nakhichevan.

He says he's a shepherd keeping his stock near Nakhichevan border, complains of local authorities, asking for citizenship & requesting transfer to a neutral country.
Questions remaining unanswered:
* Nerkin Khndzoresk is 50km away from border, they doesn't take livestock that far

* Family, friends & ppl who know him personally (incl. @AnnaATurcotte) claim the story is absurd, he'd have never leave his wife & sons, and are sure he was abducted. Personally I'm inclined to this version more.
* So if so, that means we have another example of Azerbaijan …

citizens getting into Armenia territory, like in the case of 2 #AzeSaboteurs did in 2014, killing 2 back then before arrest.
* Narek lost on July 8, presented on July 15. If capture took place on July 8, it clearly violates Geneva convention & Red Cross wasn't notified for a week

* In either case Nakhchevan border has a breach, which has to be investigated & other cases prevented in future.
* Worth to mention, #Azerbaijan conduct w/ ppl got into captivity has changed lately. Now story is they are

complaining of unbearable conditions & try refuge in Azerbaijan. used In 2014, Tavush civilian Karen Petrosyan crossed border into Azeri village in his home slippers, was recorded on video, then arrested & presented to public as military agent.

His death was announced next day caused by heart attack.
Another case was w/ Manvel Saribekyan from Ttujur village near Sevan, who was abducted and died in captivity. Recently European Court issued verdict against #Azerbaijan.

And the apogee of absurdity was elderly Mamikon Khojoyan from Tavush Verin Krmiraghbyur, who was presented as military saboteur, was persecuted then transferred back to Armenia, but died days afterwards caused by tortures caused.

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